French Sentences About Colors

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Elevate your intermediate French vocabulary with our engaging page on "Colors" at Clozemaster. Discover a vibrant collection of 20 French sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, specifically tailored to help you master the nuances of color-related French phrases. Whether you're looking to refine your language skills or expand your linguistic palette, our interactive learning tool immerses you in rich, contextually relevant French sentences. Embrace the hues of the French language and enhance your communication abilities with our dynamic resource designed for aspiring polyglots and language enthusiasts alike. Dive into the world of French colors and watch your fluency brighten with every sentence.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ces bananes ne sont pas mûres.

    These bananas are not ripe.

  • Elle a acheté une paire de chaussures rouges.

    She bought a pair of red shoes.

  • Il mange une sucette rouge.

    He's eating a red lollipop.

  • Il portait un costume gris aujourd'hui.

    He wore a gray suit today.

  • La fille portait des rubans jaunes dans ses cheveux.

    The girl wore yellow ribbons in her hair.

  • Le cadre du tableau est en or.

    The frame of the painting is gold.

  • Le chat est blanc.

    The cat is white.

  • Le diable est généralement rouge.

    The devil is usually red.

  • Le nain avait un chapeau rouge brillant.

    The dwarf had a shiny red hat.

  • Le papier est blanc.

    Paper is white.

  • Les cerises sont rouges.

    Cherries are red.

  • Les chaussettes étaient assorties à son t-shirt bleu.

    The socks matched her blue shirt.

  • Les roses sont rouges.

    The roses are red.

  • L'iris de ses yeux était bleu.

    The iris of her eyes was blue.

  • Nous avons peint les clôtures en blanc hier.

    We painted the fences white yesterday.

  • Sa jupe est jaune à pois.

    Her skirt is yellow with polka dots.

  • Son livre est rouge.

    His book is red.

  • Tom a choisi la couleur pour peindre nos bureaux.

    Tom chose the color to paint our offices.

  • Tom portait une cravate rouge et blanche à rayures.

    Tom wore a red and white striped tie.

  • Une lumière rouge brillait dans l'obscurité.

    A red light was glowing in the dark.

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