French Sentences About Business

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Immerse yourself in the world of commerce with our curated collection of French sentences about business. Ideal for intermediate French learners, this page offers 20 insightful sentences to boost your French vocabulary and comprehension. Each phrase comes complete with text-to-speech audio to perfect your pronunciation, alongside English translations for a deeper understanding. Explore essential French phrases and immerse yourself in the business lexicon. Enhance your language skills and grasp the intricacies of French business communication. Dive into these specially selected sentences and elevate your intermediate French with practical, industry-specific terminology.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Avez-vous un showroom pour vos produits en ville ?

    Do you have a showroom for your products in the city?

  • C'est un actionnaire dans l'entreprise.

    He is a shareholder in the company.

  • Elle a demandé une copie du rapport.

    She requested a copy of the report.

  • Il a été trompé par un commerçant sans scrupules.

    He was cheated by an unscrupulous dealer.

  • Il a investi une importante somme en actions.

    He invested a large sum in stocks.

  • Il manque les fichiers.

    The files are missing.

  • Il profite toujours des erreurs commises par ses rivaux.

    He always takes advantage of the mistakes made by his rivals.

  • Ils ont décidé de suspendre le projet.

    They decided to suspend the project.

  • Ils vendent des terrains à l'acre.

    They sell land by the acre.

  • Il vend des radios.

    He sells radios.

  • La livraison est-elle arrivée ?

    Has the shipment arrived yet?

  • La perte s'élève à un million de dollars.

    The loss amounts to a million dollars.

  • La secrétaire a inséré la lettre dans l'enveloppe.

    The secretary inserted the letter in the envelope.

  • Le conseil envisage une nouvelle proposition pour augmenter les ventes.

    The board is considering a new proposition to increase sales.

  • Le prix de cet article ne couvre pas le coût de sa fabrication.

    The price of this article does not cover the cost of its manufacture.

  • Les frustrations s'accumulaient à mesure que l'échéance approchait rapidement.

    Frustrations mounted as the deadline rapidly approached.

  • Les journaux sont vendus dans le kiosque.

    Newspapers are sold in the kiosk.

  • Les syndicats menaçaient le gouvernement d’une grève générale.

    The labor unions had been threatening the government with a general strike.

  • Nous avons le droit exclusif de les vendre.

    We have the exclusive right to sell them.

  • Voudriez-vous rejoindre notre équipe ?

    Would you like to join our team?

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