French Sentences About Daily Routines

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Embark on a linguistic journey through daily life with our comprehensive collection of "Daily Routines" French sentences. Perfect for intermediate French learners, this tailored Clozemaster list features 20 handpicked French phrases complete with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. Whether you're looking to polish your French vocabulary or practice your pronunciation, our interactive resource is the ideal toolkit for immersion. Experience a boost in language confidence as you master essential French phrases that reflect everyday activities. Dive into the nuances of French conversation and make your learning routine as intuitive as a native speaker's daily life with our carefully curated French sentences.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Comme encas, elle mange des fruits ou des noix.

    For snacks, she eats fruit or nuts.

  • Dans la vie quotidienne, nous avons de nombreuses obligations et responsabilités.

    In everyday life, we have many obligations and responsibilities.

  • Elle commença à se déshabiller pour aller au lit.

    She began to undress for bed.

  • Il a fumé une cigarette après le dîner.

    He smoked a cigarette after dinner.

  • Il a passé la matinée à nouer des nœuds.

    He spent the morning tying knots.

  • Il prend des vitamines.

    He takes vitamins.

  • Ils concluent la réunion à midi.

    They conclude the meeting at noon.

  • Jason a passé sa matinée à pêcher.

    Jason spent his morning fishing.

  • Je suis resté au lit toute la matinée.

    I stayed in bed all morning.

  • Le boxeur s'entraînait dur tous les jours.

    The fighter trained hard every day.

  • Les matins peuvent être difficiles sans café.

    Mornings can be tough without coffee.

  • Nous avons recyclé des bouteilles vides aujourd'hui.

    We recycled empty bottles today.

  • Pourquoi es-tu en train de te sécher les cheveux ?

    Why are you drying your hair?

  • Tom a allumé le feu.

    Tom lit the fire.

  • Tom a eu une semaine chargée.

    Tom had a hectic week.

  • Tom a mis un collier anti-puces à son chien.

    Tom put a flea collar on his dog.

  • Tom a perdu une lentille de contact.

    Tom lost a contact lens.

  • Tom est sorti de la baignoire.

    Tom got out of the bathtub.

  • Tom fait toujours ses devoirs scolaires avec diligence.

    Tom always does his schoolwork diligently.

  • Tom savait que les salades étaient saines, alors il mangeait au moins une salade par jour.

    Tom knew that salads were healthy, so he ate at least one salad a day.

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