French Sentences About Feeling

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Master your emotions in the language of love with our dynamic selection of French sentences about feelings! This essential guide on Clozemaster is crafted to elevate your French vocabulary to new heights. Immerse yourself in our carefully curated list of 20 evocative French phrases, complete with authentic text-to-speech audio and precise English translations. Whether you're an intermediate French learner or looking to refine your linguistic skills, these expressions will enrich your conversational prowess. Engage with the nuances of emotion in French and confidently express yourself in any heartfelt discussion. Tune in, listen, and repeat—your pathway to fluently expressing feelings in French starts here.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Après la maladie, il se sentait faible.

    After the illness, he felt weak.

  • Au-dessus des nuages, le pilote ressentait une liberté sans frontières.

    Above the clouds, the pilot felt a freedom without boundaries.

  • De la lecture de bons livres, nous pouvons tirer du plaisir.

    From reading good books we can derive pleasure.

  • Elle était sur le point} de pleurer.

    She was on the verge of crying.

  • Elle se sentait contente de sa décision.

    She felt content with her decision.

  • Elle se sent dérangée par le bruit fort.

    She feels disturbed by the loud noise.

  • Il avait une intuition à propos du mystère.

    He had a hunch about the mystery.

  • Il se sent chez lui.

    He feels at home.

  • Il s'est réveillé en se sentant désorienté et confus.

    He woke up feeling disoriented and confused.

  • J'ai de la pitié pour lui.

    I feel pity for him.

  • J'ai sommeil après une longue journée.

    I feel sleepy after a long day.

  • J'ai terriblement faim.

    I am terribly hungry.

  • Je frissonne quand j'ai froid.

    I shudder when I'm cold.

  • Je me suis senti étourdi en me levant.

    I felt dazed when I got up.

  • Je me suis senti renaître.

    I felt reborn.

  • J'espère réussir l'examen demain.

    I am hoping to pass the test tomorrow.

  • La combinaison laisse un mauvais goût dans la bouche.

    The combination leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

  • Mon cœur bat fort.

    My heart is pounding.

  • Rafraîchissez-vous avec une tasse de thé.

    Refresh yourself with a cup of tea.

  • Tu as l'air incertain.

    You look unsure.

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