French Sentences About Giving / Receiving Gifts

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Looking to enhance your French vocabulary with practical French sentences related to the joy of giving and receiving gifts? Clozemaster is your go-to destination! Our curated collection of 20 engaging French phrases, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, provides a dynamic way to practice intermediate French. Immerse yourself in the language as you learn how to express the delight of gift exchanges. Each sentence is crafted to help you improve your understanding and usage of French vocabulary in a real-world context. Elevate your language skills and navigate the tradition of gifting with confidence - all in French!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Cette organisation repose entièrement sur des dons volontaires.

    This organization relies entirely on voluntary donations.

  • Elle aime emballer les cadeaux avec du joli papier et des rubans.

    She likes to wrap presents with pretty paper and ribbons.

  • Elle lui a donné un morceau de bonbon.

    She gave him a piece of candy.

  • Elle lui a offert un cadeau spécial.

    She gave him a special gift.

  • Est-ce un cadeau pour moi ?

    Is this a gift for me?

  • Il a acheté une montre suisse pour son père.

    He bought a Swiss watch for his father.

  • Il a octroyé une importante somme d'argent à l'institut.

    He bestowed a large amount of money on the institute.

  • Il lui a donné un bracelet en diamant.

    He gave her a diamond bracelet.

  • Il m'a remercié pour le cadeau.

    He thanked me for the gift.

  • J'ai offert un tambourin à mon père en cadeau.

    I gave my dad a tambourine as a gift.

  • J'ai quelques cadeaux.

    I have some gifts.

  • Je l'ai acheté pour toi.

    I bought it for you.

  • Je leur ai donné mes vieux vêtements.

    I gave them my old clothes.

  • La boîte ne contenait pas beaucoup de cadeaux.

    The box did not have many presents.

  • Le cadeau était emballé de manière magnifique.

    The gift was beautifully wrapped.

  • Merci pour le cadeau.

    Thank you for the gift.

  • Nous avons tous contribué pour acheter un cadeau d'anniversaire à notre professeur.

    We all chipped in to buy our teacher a birthday present.

  • Nous échangeons aujourd'hui les cadeaux du Père Noël secret.

    We're swapping Secret Santa gifts today.

  • Pourquoi as-tu acheté des fleurs ?

    Why did you buy flowers?

  • Tom m'a envoyé un cadeau.

    Tom sent me a present.

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