French Sentences About Directions

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Boost your intermediate French vocabulary with our comprehensive list of 20 essential French sentences focused on 'Directions' at Clozemaster! Perfect for learners aiming to navigate their way through French-speaking regions with ease, our interactive resource pairs each sentence with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. Immerse yourself in the nuances of French phrases and master the art of asking for and giving directions confidently. This engaging tool is tailored to enhance your understanding of key French vocabulary while providing an authentic learning experience. Start conversing like a local today with the most vital direction-related French sentences at your fingertips!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Asseyez-vous en cercle.

    Sit in a circle.

  • Attention au trou dans le sol !

    Watch out for the hole in the ground!

  • C'est le chemin vers le parc.

    This is the way to the park.

  • Cette route relie les deux villes.

    This road connects the two cities.

  • Fais attention en traversant la rue.

    Be careful crossing the street.

  • Glissez sur la pente en répartissant votre poids également sur les deux skis.

    Slide down the hill while distributing your weight equally on both skis.

  • Il a regardé à droite.

    He looked to the right.

  • Il a tourné le volant vers la droite.

    He turned the wheel to the right.

  • Il marchait vers le parc.

    He walked towards the park.

  • Il nous a conduits à la gare.

    He led us to the station.

  • Je me demande quel est le chemin le plus court.

    I wonder which way is the shortest.

  • Marche le long du bord du parc.

    Walk along the edge of the park.

  • Mets le manteau sur le cintre.

    Put the coat on the hanger.

  • Ne marchez pas sur le gazon !

    Get off the lawn!

  • Nous avons besoin de la navigation pour y arriver.

    We need navigation to get there.

  • Nous devrions prendre l'itinéraire le plus rapide.

    We should take the quicker route.

  • Nous les avons orientés vers la gare.

    We directed them to the station.

  • Portez les sacs en haut.

    Take the bags upstairs.

  • Tu mènes le chemin.

    You lead the way.

  • Utilisez la carte pour trouver la destination.

    Use the map to find the destination.

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