French Sentences About Literature

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Dive into the world of "Literature" and enrich your French vocabulary with our curated list of 20 captivating French sentences! Each thoughtfully selected phrase offers a glimpse into the literary beauty of the French language, complete with text-to-speech audio to perfect your pronunciation and English translations to ensure comprehension. Ideal for intermediate French learners, these French phrases are not only educational but also delightful to the ears. Strengthen your command of the language and immerse yourself in French culture as you explore classic and contemporary literature through our interactive learning experience on Clozemaster. Get ready to turn the page on your French language journey!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ce livre est très épais.

    This book is very thick.

  • C'était comme un conte de fées.

    It was like a fairytale.

  • Chaque fable se termine par une morale.

    Every fable ends up with a moral.

  • Dans l'histoire, les elfes vivent dans la forêt.

    In the story, elves live in the forest.

  • Il a un talent littéraire.

    He has some literary talent.

  • Il cite souvent Milton.

    He often quotes Milton.

  • Je sais comment l'histoire se termine.

    I know how the story ends.

  • Le cadre du roman se situe dans l'Angleterre médiévale.

    The setting of the novel is medieval England.

  • Le fils prodigue est rentré à la maison.

    The prodigal son returned home.

  • Le livre a beaucoup de personnages intéressants.

    The book has many interesting characters.

  • Le roman était plein de mystère.

    The novel was full of mystery.

  • Les livres sont ma réalité alternative.

    Books are my alternate reality.

  • Les petits enfants aiment souvent les livres sur les dragons et autres monstres.

    Small children often like books about dragons and other monsters.

  • Les poètes choisissent les meilleurs mots.

    Poets select the best words.

  • L'histoire a des rebondissements surprenants.

    The story has surprising twists.

  • Nous attendons la publication de son livre.

    We are expecting the publication of his book.

  • Que pensez-vous de ces écrivains japonais ?

    What do you think of those Japanese writers?

  • Qui a écrit ces poèmes ?

    Who wrote these poems?

  • Sa biographie était inspirante et mémorable.

    Her biography was inspiring and memorable.

  • Tous les grands écrivains ont leur style personnel.

    All great writers have their own personal styles.

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