French Sentences About Nature

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Immerse yourself in the beauty of the great outdoors while enhancing your intermediate French with our comprehensive collection of 20 meticulously curated sentences about "Nature." Each carefully crafted phrase comes with crisp audio and precise English translations to ensure your French vocabulary blossoms. Whether you're looking to attune your ear to natural French sentences or enrich your lexicon with evocative French phrases, Clozemaster is your go-to resource for language learning. With our text-to-speech functionality, mastering the musicality and nuances of French nature vocabulary has never been more engaging and convenient. Start your linguistic adventure today and watch your French skills grow as naturally as the world around us.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Certains sels proviennent de mines, et d'autres d'eau.

    Some salt comes from mines, some from water.

  • Il a pris une photo du magnifique paysage.

    He took a picture of the beautiful landscape.

  • J'ai envie de danser dans les champs.

    I feel like dancing in the fields.

  • La dégradation du sanctuaire est due, en partie, à la pluie acide.

    The decay of the shrine is due, in part, to acid rain.

  • L'attraction gravitationnelle de la lune influe sur les marées.

    The moon's gravitational pull affects tides.

  • Le lapin a commencé à sautiller dans l'herbe.

    The rabbit began to hop in the grass.

  • Le merle siffle.

    The blackbird whistles.

  • Les castors peuvent couper des arbres avec leurs dents.

    Beavers can cut down trees with their teeth.

  • Les moutons broutent l'herbe dans le champ.

    The sheep graze the grass in the field.

  • Le soleil s'est levé au-dessus de l'horizon.

    The sun rose over the horizon.

  • L'explorateur s'est aventuré dans la nature sauvage.

    The explorer ventured into the wilderness.

  • Nous apprécions aller à la plage.

    We enjoy going to the beach.

  • Nous avons vu ce qui semblait être une oasis dans le désert.

    We saw what looked like an oasis in the desert.

  • Tu peux aller te promener sur les collines.

    You can go for walks on the hills.

  • Un arbre tombé bloquait le chemin.

    A fallen tree blocked the path.

  • Une abeille bourdonne.

    A bee buzzes.

  • Un groupe de loups a attaqué le voyageur.

    A pack of wolves attacked the traveler.

  • Un nuage a flotté dans le ciel.

    A cloud floated across the sky.

  • Un nuage est une masse de vapeur.

    A cloud is a mass of vapor.

  • Un vent fort s'est levé.

    A strong wind arose.

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