French Sentences About Politics

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Welcome to Clozemaster's interactive collection of crucial "Politics" themed French sentences designed to enhance your French vocabulary. Dive into our carefully curated list of 20 thought-provoking French phrases, complete with text-to-speech audio and precise English translations. Ideal for intermediate French learners, this resource helps you master the intricate world of political discourse in French. Listen, learn, and practice with contextual sentences that bring the nuances of political language to life. Expand your lexicon and become fluent in discussing governmental affairs with our targeted French vocabulary builder. Join Clozemaster today and command the language of French politics like a native speaker.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • C'est un politicien énergique.

    He is an energetic politician.

  • Il a étudié les idéologies communistes pour son cours de science politique.

    He studied the communist ideologies for his political science course.

  • Ils se proclament capitalistes.

    They are self-proclaimed capitalists.

  • L'Allemagne est une république parlementaire.

    Germany is a parliamentary republic.

  • La protestation s'est étendue à l'échelle nationale en quelques jours.

    The protest spread nationwide within days.

  • La souveraineté appartient uniquement au peuple.

    Sovereignty belongs to the people alone.

  • Le gouvernement va sanctionner l'organisation terroriste.

    The government will sanction the terrorist organization.

  • Le nouveau président a supprimé beaucoup de protocoles traditionnels.

    The new president did away with a lot of the traditional protocols.

  • Le pays est gouverné par le président.

    The country is governed by the president.

  • Les deux pays vont négocier un règlement de la crise.

    The two countries will negotiate a settlement to the crisis.

  • Les gens se méfient souvent des promesses des politiciens.

    People often distrust politicians' promises.

  • Le tsar a été renversé.

    The Czar was overthrown.

  • Leur pays est menacé par l'anarchie.

    Their country is threatened by anarchy.

  • Le vote est à l'unanimité.

    The vote is unanimous.

  • Nous en avons marre de la corruption politique.

    We are sick and tired of political corruption.

  • Soixante délégués ont été élus.

    Sixty delegates were elected.

  • Son idéologie politique a été façonnée par l'expérience.

    His political ideology was shaped by experience.

  • Tant qu'il y a des nations souveraines détenant une grande puissance, la guerre est inévitable.

    As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power, war is inevitable.

  • Tom est une personne très libérale.

    Tom is a very liberal person.

  • Un comité de députés est arrivé.

    A committee of congressmen has arrived.

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