French Sentences About Science

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Embark on an auditory voyage to master intermediate French with an enlightening collection of French sentences about science, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. At Clozemaster, we've carefully curated 20 scientifically themed statements to enhance your French vocabulary in an engaging way. Unlock the mysteries of the French language with these practical French phrases, handpicked to challenge and grow your linguistic skills. Listen, learn, and repeat to ensure each word resonates and remains in your memory. Perfect for students, hobbyists, and curious minds, our resource promises to be an indispensable tool in your journey to fluency in French.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ce liquide transparent contient du poison.

    This transparent liquid contains poison.

  • Ils ne pouvaient pas expliquer l'anomalie dans les données.

    They couldn't explain the anomaly in the data.

  • La gravité lie les planètes au soleil.

    Gravity binds the planets to the sun.

  • L'air est principalement composé d'azote et d'oxygène.

    Air is mainly composed of nitrogen and oxygen.

  • La taille de l'univers est inimaginable.

    The size of the universe is unimaginable.

  • L'eau est un liquide.

    Water is a liquid.

  • Le biologiste a étudié les espèces en voie de disparition.

    The biologist studied the endangered species.

  • Le diamant était une pierre solide.

    The diamond was a solid rock.

  • Le résultat a confirmé mon hypothèse.

    The result confirmed my hypothesis.

  • Les fils sont utilisés pour transmettre l'électricité.

    Wires are used to convey electricity.

  • Le soleil est plus brillant que la lune.

    The sun is brighter than the moon.

  • L'extinction fait partie de l'évolution.

    Extinction is part of evolution.

  • L'organisme a besoin d'eau pour survivre.

    The organism needs water to survive.

  • Nous allons explorer chaque planète qui gravite autour du soleil.

    We will explore every planet that goes around the sun.

  • Personne n'a pu expliquer le phénomène de manière scientifique.

    Nobody has been able to scientifically explain the phenomenon.

  • Quels effets aurait l'alignement des planètes ?

    What effects would planetary alignment have?

  • Sans la mutation aléatoire des gènes, il n'y aurait pas d'évolution.

    Without the random mutation of genes, there would be no evolution.

  • Savez-vous qui a inventé le microscope ?

    Do you know who invented the microscope?

  • Un observatoire régional sera chargé de surveiller l'exécution du plan.

    A regional observatory will be directed to monitor the execution of the plan.

  • Voici le résultat de nos recherches.

    This is the outcome of our research.

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