French Sentences About Pets

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Bienvenue to the ultimate resource for bolstering your French vocabulary with a playful twist! Our Clozemaster collection features 20 engaging French sentences about 'Pets', each accompanied by authentic text-to-speech audio and their English translations conveniently at your fingertips. Ideal for intermediate French learners, these meticulously curated French phrases offer a fun and interactive way to master pet-related vocabulary. Immerse yourself in the language and enrich your learning experience as you listen, repeat, and retain essential French expressions. Dive into our pet-themed sentences now, and watch your fluency grow one purr, wag, and chirp at a time!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • As-tu nourri les perroquets ?

    Did you feed the parrots?

  • Avez-vous des serpents python ?

    Do you have python snakes?

  • Ce chiot est tellement mignon.

    That puppy is so cute.

  • Ce dépliant est sur les animaux de compagnie.

    This pamphlet is about pets.

  • Cookie est le plus mignon de tous les chiens.

    Cookie is the cutest of all the dogs.

  • Elle a pleuré la perte de son animal de compagnie.

    She mourned the loss of her pet.

  • Elle a trois tortues de compagnie.

    She has three pet turtles.

  • Elle a un chien.

    She has a dog.

  • Elle nous a montré son nouveau chiot.

    She showed us her new puppy.

  • Le chat a disparu derrière le canapé.

    The cat disappeared behind the sofa.

  • Le chat a emmêlé tous les fils.

    The cat tangled up all the threads.

  • Le chien lèche le visage de son maître.

    The dog licks his owner's face.

  • Le perroquet est mort.

    The parrot is dead.

  • Mon chat aime beaucoup dormir.

    My cat likes to sleep a lot.

  • Mon chien de garde est alerte au moindre bruit et mouvement.

    My watchdog is alert to the slightest sound and movement.

  • Pourquoi mon chat attaque-t-il mon peignoir ?

    Why is my cat attacking my bathrobe?

  • Si tu veux acheter une laisse, va dans une animalerie.

    If you want to buy a leash, go to a pet shop.

  • Tom a mis un collier anti-puces à son chien.

    Tom put a flea collar on his dog.

  • Tom veut un poney.

    Tom wants a pony.

  • Vérifiez régulièrement votre animal pour repérer des tiques.

    Check your pet for ticks regularly.

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