French Sentences About University

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Unlock your potential in intermediate French with our engaging collection of French sentences focusing on "University" life. At Clozemaster, we have curated 20 enriching French phrases, complete with authentic text-to-speech audio and precise English translations. This resource is perfect for learners aiming to expand their French vocabulary and master the essence of academic expression in a Francophone environment. Immerse yourself in the language and culture with our interactive tools designed to refine your French proficiency through practical sentences. Step into the vibrant world of French studies and elevate your language journey with Clozemaster's vibrant French vocabulary resources.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Avez-vous terminé de rédiger votre mémoire ?

    Have you finished writing your thesis?

  • Cette semaine, j’ai eu trois partiels.

    This week I had three midterms.

  • Deux professeurs de physique iraniens ont été assassinés.

    Two Iranian professors of physics were assassinated.

  • Elisa s'est inscrite au département d'anatomie.

    Elisa has enrolled in the anatomy department.

  • Elle était absente des cours magistraux.

    She was absent from lectures.

  • Elle étudie les théories métaphysiques à l'université.

    She studies metaphysical theories at university.

  • Elle étudie l'ingénierie à l'université.

    She studies engineering at the university.

  • Il avait déjà passé deux heures à donner cours quand elle est entrée.

    He had already spent two hours lecturing when she came in.

  • Il étudie la psychanalyse pour son diplôme en psychologie.

    He's studying psychoanalysis for his psychology degree.

  • Il se spécialise en littérature anglaise.

    He majors in English literature.

  • Je travaille sur mes dossiers d'admission à l'université.

    I'm working on my college applications.

  • La conférence était extrêmement ennuyeuse.

    The lecture was extremely boring.

  • Le public était composé principalement d'étudiants.

    The audience consisted mainly of students.

  • Les fondateurs de l'entreprise se sont rencontrés à l'université.

    The company's founders met in college.

  • Les universités sont des institutions éducatives.

    Universities are educational institutions.

  • L'université porte le nom de son fondateur.

    The university bears the name of its founder.

  • L'université veut vous octroyer une bourse.

    The university wants to grant you a scholarship.

  • Maria s'est suffisamment préparée pour l'examen.

    Maria has sufficiently prepared for the exam.

  • Pourrais-tu me prêter tes notes de sociologie ?

    Could you lend me your sociology notes?

  • Tom a encore trois mois avant d'obtenir son diplôme.

    Tom has three months left until he graduates.

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