French Sentences About Describing Places

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Welcome to our interactive guide designed to boost your French vocabulary with 20 immersive French sentences specifically focused on describing places! Perfect for intermediate French learners, our curated list of descriptive sentences, complete with authentic text-to-speech audio, helps you master French phrases with accuracy and ease. Each sentence comes with its English translation, enabling you to confidently describe settings in French. Dive into this rich language experience and engage with essential French vocabulary like never before. Start enhancing your language skills now, and soon you'll depict places in French with the same finesse as a native speaker!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ils habitent dans un quartier agréable.

    They live in a nice neighborhood.

  • Ils vivent en banlieue.

    They live in the suburbs.

  • Il vit dans un village.

    He lives in a village.

  • J'habite en face de la rue.

    I live across the street.

  • La cuisine chilienne est assez unique.

    The Chilean cuisine is rather unique.

  • L'aérodrome sur l'île est maintenant envahi par les mauvaises herbes.

    The airfield on the island is now covered with weeds.

  • La zone alentour était très calme.

    The surrounding area was very quiet.

  • L'église est entourée de bois et de lacs.

    The church is surrounded by woods and lakes.

  • Le parc est ombragé.

    The park is shady.

  • Les cuisines américaines sont beaucoup plus grandes que les japonaises.

    American kitchens are much bigger than Japanese ones.

  • Le sol était très irrégulier.

    The ground was very uneven.

  • Les routes sont bosselées.

    The roads are bumpy.

  • Les sites à Rome sont à couper le souffle.

    The sights in Rome are breathtaking.

  • Maintenant, nous voyons l'intérieur du château.

    Now, we see the interior of the castle.

  • Ma maison est grande.

    My house is big.

  • Nous avons loué un chalet confortable dans les montagnes.

    We rented a cozy cabin in the mountains.

  • Personne n'a traversé ce désert infernal depuis des centaines d'années.

    No one has crossed that infernal desert in hundreds of years.

  • Quels escaliers étroits !

    What narrow stairs!

  • Regarde autour de toi.

    Look around you.

  • Tom pouvait entendre des oiseaux gazouiller à l'extérieur de sa fenêtre.

    Tom could hear birds chirping outside his window.

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