Lithuanian Sentences About At a Restaurant

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Boost your Lithuanian vocabulary with Clozemaster’s curated collection of 20 practical sentences about dining at a restaurant. Perfect for intermediate Lithuanian learners, these sentences come equipped with text-to-speech audio and precise English translations. Practice using common Lithuanian phrases and expressions found in real-life dining scenarios, helping you gain confidence and fluency. Whether you're preparing for a trip to Lithuania or simply striving to enhance your language skills, our Lithuanian sentences for restaurant situations are an invaluable resource. Start mastering intermediate Lithuanian today with Clozemaster's engaging and effective vocabulary-building tools!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ar galėčiau gauti gabalėlį sūrio pyrago?

    Could I have a piece of cheesecake?

  • Ar galėčiau pamatyti meniu, prašau?

    May I see a menu, please?

  • Ar norėtumėte padėklo prie to?

    Do you want a tray with that?

  • Ar turite kokių nors regioninių patiekalų?

    Do you have any regional dishes?

  • Aš kartą buvau tame restorane.

    I've been to that restaurant once before

  • Aš noriu vieno sumuštinio.

    I want one sandwich.

  • Atsiprašau, aš numečiau savo lazdeles.

    Excuse me, I dropped my chopsticks.

  • Daug sunkvežimių vairuotojų čia valgo.

    A lot of truck drivers eat here.

  • Jis užsisakė omarą prabangiame restorane.

    He ordered lobster at the fancy restaurant.

  • Jis užsisakė vištienos gabaliukus pietums.

    He ordered chicken nuggets for lunch.

  • Ji visada prašo papildomų alyvuogių.

    She always requests extra olives.

  • Kokių vaisių sultų turite?

    What fruit juices do you have?

  • Ko norėtumėte atsigerti?

    What would you like to drink?

  • Mažą porciją kumpio, prašau, ir pilstomo alaus.

    A small portion of ham, please, and a draught beer.

  • Norite karštos ar šaltos arbatos?

    Do you want the tea hot or iced?

  • Prašau paimkite mano maistą.

    Please take my food.

  • Restoranas atsidarys iš naujo su nauja vadovybe.

    The restaurant will reopen under new management.

  • Restoranas turi labai jaukią atmosferą.

    The restaurant has a very intimate atmosphere.

  • Šie gėrimai yra iš atvirojo meniu.

    These drinks are a la carte.

  • Tas restoranas tikriausiai yra šiek tiek brangus.

    That restaurant is probably a little pricey.

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