Lithuanian Sentences About Clothes

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Looking to boost your Lithuanian vocabulary? Clozemaster is here to help! Dive into our curated list of 20 Lithuanian sentences about "Clothes." This intermediate Lithuanian resource features text-to-speech audio and precise English translations to enhance your learning experience. Whether you’re practicing Lithuanian phrases for everyday conversations or aiming to refine your linguistic skills, these sentences are tailored to meet your needs. Perfect for learners seeking to immerse themselves in practical language use, our diverse examples make mastering Lithuanian both effective and enjoyable. Start expanding your Lithuanian vocabulary today with Clozemaster!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ar tu jau baigei rengtis?

    Have you finished dressing?

  • Atlaisvink savo kaklaraištį.

    Loosen your tie.

  • Drabužiai dažnai susitraukia, kai yra netinkamai skalbiami.

    Clothes often shrink when improperly washed.

  • Galvos juostelė labai elastinga.

    The headband is very elastic.

  • Gydytojas buvo apsirengęs baltu chalatu ant mėlyno kostiumo.

    The doctor was in a white gown over a blue suit.

  • Jai patinka jos rožinė suknelė.

    She loves her pink dress.

  • Jei vilkėtum marškinėlius, galėtum atrodyti kaip paauglys.

    You could pass for a teenager if you wore a T-shirt.

  • Ji dėvėjo deimantus, kurie žėrėjo.

    She was wearing sparkling diamonds.

  • Jis pasitaisė rankogalį.

    He adjusted his shirt cuff.

  • Jis šiandien dėvėjo pilką kostiumą.

    He wore a gray suit today.

  • Jis susiveržė diržą.

    He tightened his belt.

  • Kiek kepurių turite?

    How many hats do you own?

  • Kojinės ir sportbačiai yra nauji.

    The socks and sneakers are new.

  • Sijonas yra ilgas.

    The skirt is long.

  • Šis audinys tikrai lygus ir šilkinis.

    This cloth is really smooth and silky.

  • Šis lietpaltis yra visų dydžių.

    This raincoat comes in all sizes.

  • Sunaudojau per daug baliklio ir padariau skylę savo marškiniuose.

    I used too much bleach and made a hole in my shirt.

  • Ta suknelė dera prie jos raudonų plaukų.

    That dress matches her red hair.

  • Tomas nusipirko naujus raištelius savo batams.

    Tom bought new laces for his shoes.

  • Tomas užsisegė savo paltą.

    Tom buttoned up his coat.

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