Lithuanian Sentences About Family

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Boost your Lithuanian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 sentences about "Family" on Clozemaster. Perfect for intermediate Lithuanian learners, these sentences come with text-to-speech audio and English translations to enhance your learning experience. Explore common Lithuanian phrases and improve your speaking and comprehension skills in real-life contexts. Whether you're aiming to master everyday conversations or delve deeper into Lithuanian culture, this resource is designed to make language learning engaging and effective. Start practicing these Lithuanian sentences today and watch your language proficiency grow. Dive in and elevate your intermediate Lithuanian journey now!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Abu mano tėvai yra muzikantai.

    Both of my parents are musicians.

  • Aš myliu savo sūnų.

    I love my son.

  • Aš myliu savo tėtį.

    I love my dad.

  • Aš niekada nelankau savo sesers.

    I never visit my sister.

  • Jie turėjo tik vieną vaiką.

    They had only one child.

  • Ji labai myli savo sūnų.

    She loves her son dearly.

  • Ji pasirinko tapti surogatine motina.

    She chose to be a surrogate mother.

  • Jis pristatė mane savo broliui.

    He presented me to his brother.

  • Jis supainiojo mane su mama.

    He mistook me for my mother.

  • Jis yra giminystės ryšiais susijęs su karališkąja šeima.

    He is related to the royal family.

  • Kaip jūsų seneliai?

    How are your grandparents?

  • Kas jį atstūmė nuo sesers?

    What has estranged him from his sister?

  • Mano jaunesnioji sesė visada bando mane išprovokuoti, bet niekada pasiseka.

    My little sister always tries to get a rise out of me but never succeeds.

  • Mergaitė priminė savo motiną.

    The girl resembled her mother.

  • Mes įsivaikinome vaiką.

    We adopted a child.

  • Padovanojau tėčiui tamburiną.

    I gave my dad a tambourine as a gift.

  • Pamotė buvo su ja griežta.

    The stepmother was hard on her.

  • Tomas turi barzdą, kaip ir jo tėvas, seneliai ir broliai.

    Tom has a beard, just like his father, grandfathers, and brothers do.

  • Vaikai buvo palikti apsirūpinti patys.

    The children were left to fend for themselves.

  • Vaikas pradėjo šokinėti.

    The child began to jump.

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