Lithuanian Sentences About Compliments

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Looking to enhance your Lithuanian vocabulary through practical phrases and sentences? Welcome to Clozemaster's curated list of 20 sentences about "Compliments" in Lithuanian. Our selection caters to intermediate Lithuanian learners, offering text-to-speech audio and precise English translations to improve your pronunciation and comprehension. Embark on a rewarding linguistic journey and master essential Lithuanian sentences and phrases. Whether you're preparing for a trip, studying for an exam, or simply passionate about fluent communication, these structured compliments will bolster your confidence and proficiency in the Lithuanian language. Dive in now and elevate your intermediate Lithuanian skills!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Geros manieros visada vertinamos.

    Good manners are always appreciated.

  • Girdžiu, jūsų verslas klesti.

    Your business is flourishing, I hear.

  • Jis rašo nuostabiai.

    He writes beautifully.

  • Jis yra malonus vyras.

    He is a kind man.

  • Ji yra labai maloninga kaimynė.

    She is a most gracious neighbor.

  • Jo naujausias kūrinys yra šedevras.

    His latest creation is a masterpiece.

  • Jos grožis tikrai kerintis.

    Her beauty is genuinely captivating.

  • Jos grožis yra nepalyginamas.

    Her beauty is incomparable.

  • Jų mokytojas pagyrė juos.

    Their teacher praised them.

  • Jūsų sakiniai buvo kaip žalia pieva žiemą.

    Your sentences were like a green meadow in winter.

  • Jūsų supratimas labai vertinamas.

    Your understanding is much appreciated.

  • Katė yra miela.

    The cat is adorable.

  • Mano vyresnysis brolis labai išmintingas.

    My elder brother is very wise.

  • Mielausia iš visų šunų yra Cookie.

    Cookie is the cutest of all the dogs.

  • Šou kūrėjai yra talentingi.

    The creators of the show are talented.

  • Suknelė buvo puikios kokybės.

    The dress was of excellent quality.

  • Šuo kūdikis yra mielas.

    That puppy is so cute.

  • Tai buvo pati romantiškiausia vakarienė, kurią kada nors valgiau.

    That was the most romantic dinner I've ever had.

  • Tai geriausias šokoladinis šokoladinis, kokį mano svečiai kada nors valgė.

    This is the best chocolate mousse that my guests have ever eaten.

  • Tai yra taip nuostabu.

    This is so amazing.

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