Lithuanian Sentences About Driving

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Welcome to Clozemaster's "Driving" section, your go-to resource for mastering Lithuanian vocabulary through practical sentences. Discover 20 carefully curated Lithuanian sentences complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, designed to enhance your language skills. Perfect for intermediate Lithuanian learners, these driving-related phrases will expand your linguistic proficiency and boost your conversational confidence. Dive into real-life scenarios that make learning engaging and effective. Whether you're brushing up on Lithuanian phrases or building your Lithuanian vocabulary, our resources ensure a seamless learning experience. Start today and drive your Lithuanian skills to the next level!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ar turite vairuotojo pažymėjimą?

    Do you have a driver's license?

  • Aš atsargiai paspaudžiau greičio pedalą.

    I stepped on the accelerator carefully.

  • Aš vairuoju pristatymo sunkvežimį.

    I drive a delivery truck.

  • Aš važiuoju motociklu.

    I am riding a motorcycle.

  • Automobilis buvo visiškai sugadintas.

    The car was a complete wreck.

  • Automobiliui reikia naujų padangų.

    The car needs new tires.

  • Jis atidarė bagažinę.

    He popped the trunk.

  • Jis bandė išvengti eismo.

    He tried to avoid the traffic.

  • Jis paliko variklį veikti.

    He left the motor running.

  • Jis važiuoja į darbą kasdien.

    He drives to work daily.

  • Jo automobilis buvo rimtai sugadintas.

    His car was seriously damaged.

  • Keliai yra nelygūs.

    The roads are bumpy.

  • Mes pastatėme automobilį garaže.

    We parked the car in the garage.

  • Pasukau savo vairą į dešinę.

    I turned my steering wheel to the right.

  • Priekinis sparnas buvo stipriai įlenktas.

    The fender was badly dented.

  • Rasti vietą automobiliui miesto centre yra labai varginantis dalykas.

    Finding parking downtown is so frustrating.

  • Šiame kelyje visada būna daug transporto priemonių.

    There are always a lot of vehicles on this road.

  • Šis automobilis važiuoja daug greičiau nei tas.

    This car goes much faster than that.

  • Tomas toliau spaudė garsinį signalą.

    Tom continued to honk the horn.

  • Turėtumėte išlaikyti savo priekinį stiklą švarų.

    You should keep your windshield clean.

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