Lithuanian Sentences About Education

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Looking to boost your Lithuanian vocabulary? Discover our curated list of 20 essential sentences about "Education" on Clozemaster. Perfect for intermediate Lithuanian learners, these sentences come with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. Enhance your language skills with practical Lithuanian phrases that cover various educational contexts. Listening and repeating these sentences will help you improve your pronunciation and comprehension while expanding your practical vocabulary. Whether you're preparing for an exam or simply want to converse more fluently, this resource is designed to elevate your understanding. Start mastering key Lithuanian sentences in the educational realm today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ar tu baigei rašyti savo baigiamąjį darbą?

    Have you finished writing your thesis?

  • Biblioteka yra puikus išteklius.

    The library is a great resource.

  • Ji buvo pagauta svajonėse per pamoką.

    She was caught daydreaming during the class.

  • Ji nepasiruošė pakankamai gerai egzaminui.

    She did not prepare adequately for the test.

  • Jis atsakė neteisingai ir negavo taškų.

    He answered incorrectly and received no points.

  • Ji sėkmingai išlaikė visus savo egzaminus.

    She passed all her tests successfully.

  • Jis neišlaiko matematikos kurso.

    He is failing his math class.

  • Jis rinko medžiagas projektui.

    He collected materials for the project.

  • Jis sėkmingai išlaikė egzaminą.

    He successfully passed the exam.

  • Ji stengiasi išmokti naują anglų kalbos žodį kiekvieną dieną.

    She tries to learn a new word in English every day.

  • Ji sunkiai dirbo ties sudėtinga užduotimi.

    She labored over the complex problem.

  • Ji yra populiari mokykloje.

    She is popular at school.

  • Jo platus paaiškinimas buvo prasmingas.

    His lucid explanation made sense.

  • Leiskite paaiškinti tai su diagrama.

    Let me explain it with a diagram.

  • Mano pažymiai yra aukštesni už vidurkį.

    My grades are above average.

  • Mano studentai nekantriai laukia egzamino rezultatų.

    My students have been eagerly awaiting the test results.

  • Man patinka geografija ir istorija.

    I like geography and history.

  • Nieko trukdys jos mokslams.

    Nothing will hinder her study.

  • Tai yra žmogaus skeleto modelis.

    This is a human skeleton model.

  • Turime stengtis sumažinti jo sudėtingumą.

    We have to try to reduce its complexity.

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