Lithuanian Sentences About Philosophy

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Looking to enhance your Lithuanian vocabulary with engaging intermediate Lithuanian phrases? Dive into Clozemaster's specially curated page featuring 20 thought-provoking sentences about "Philosophy" in Lithuanian! Each sentence is equipped with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations, making it easier than ever to master new vocabulary. Whether you're preparing for a trip or just aiming to boost your language skills, these Lithuanian sentences offer valuable context and usage examples. Perfect for learners seeking to expand their linguistic repertoire, our collection is an essential resource for intermediate Lithuanian speakers. Start exploring now and elevate your fluency through philosophy!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Blogas oras nėra kliūtis.

    Bad weather is no obstacle.

  • Cinizmas – tai tiesiog žiaurus būdas pasakyti tiesą.

    Cynicism is just a mean way to tell the truth.

  • Geriau būti laimingu kvailiu nei nelaimingu išminčiumi.

    Better to be a happy fool than an unhappy sage.

  • Gyvenimas pilnas pokyčių.

    Life is full of changes.

  • Ieškotojas nenuilstamai ieškojo tiesos.

    The seeker tirelessly searched for truth.

  • Kada baigsis žmogaus godumas?

    When will human greed end?

  • Karas baigiasi tik beprasmišku ir smurtiniu sunaikinimu.

    War results only in senseless and violent destruction.

  • Kas sėja vėja, pjaus audrą.

    Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

  • Kuo daugiau žmogus žino, tuo labiau jis supranta savo nežinojimą.

    The more a man knows, the more he discovers his ignorance.

  • Mano namai - mano pilis.

    My home is my castle.

  • Mes esame atsakingi už savo veiksmus.

    We are responsible for our actions.

  • Pasaulis priklauso drąsiems.

    The world belongs to the courageous.

  • Prašau ne lengvesnės naštos, o platesnių pečių.

    I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.

  • Sakoma, kad tiesa visada nugalės.

    It is said that truth always triumphs.

  • Situacija buvo paradoksas.

    The situation was a paradox.

  • Skirkite laiko apmąstymams.

    Take the time to reflect.

  • Tai priklauso nuo konteksto.

    It depends on the context.

  • Tik daiktų paviršius atskleidžia daiktų esmę.

    Only the surface of things reveals the essence of things.

  • Vienatvė yra nepriklausomybė.

    Solitude is independence.

  • Žmogus nėra toks visagalis kaip Dievas.

    Man is not as almighty as God.

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