Lithuanian Sentences About Giving / Receiving Gifts

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Looking to enhance your Lithuanian vocabulary? Our page on Clozemaster offers 20 carefully curated sentences about giving and receiving gifts in Lithuanian, perfect for intermediate learners. Each sentence includes text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations, helping you master Lithuanian phrases effortlessly. These real-life Lithuanian sentences not only boost your linguistic skills but also provide cultural insights. Ideal for anyone aiming to improve their intermediate Lithuanian, our resources ensure you practice comprehensively. Dive into this engaging learning journey and expand your knowledge of Lithuanian vocabulary related to gifting occasions. Discover the joy of understanding and speaking Lithuanian more fluently today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ačiū už dovaną.

    Thank you for the gift.

  • Ar tai dovana man?

    Is this a gift for me?

  • Aš atidaviau jiems mano senus drabužius.

    I gave them my old clothes.

  • Aš nupirkau tai tau.

    I bought it for you.

  • Dėžėje nebuvo daug dovanų.

    The box did not have many presents.

  • Ji davė jam saldainį.

    She gave him a piece of candy.

  • Ji įteikė jam ypatingą dovaną.

    She gave him a special gift.

  • Ji mėgsta suvynioti dovanas į gražų popierių ir kaspinus.

    She likes to wrap presents with pretty paper and ribbons.

  • Jis nupirko šveicarišką laikrodį savo tėvui.

    He bought a Swiss watch for his father.

  • Jis padėkojo man už dovaną.

    He thanked me for the gift.

  • Jis padovanojo didelę pinigų sumą institutui.

    He bestowed a large amount of money on the institute.

  • Jis padovanojo jai deimantų apyrankę.

    He gave her a diamond bracelet.

  • Kodėl tu nupirkai gėlių?

    Why did you buy flowers?

  • Mes visi suskirto pirkti mokytojui gimtadienio dovaną.

    We all chipped in to buy our teacher a birthday present.

  • Padovanojau tėčiui tamburiną.

    I gave my dad a tambourine as a gift.

  • Šiandien keičiamės Slapto Kalėdų Senio dovanomis.

    We're swapping Secret Santa gifts today.

  • Ši organizacija visiškai priklauso nuo savanoriškų aukų.

    This organization relies entirely on voluntary donations.

  • Štai jums dovana kaip mūsų dėkingumo ženklas.

    Here is a present for you as a token of our appreciation.

  • Tomas man atsiuntė dovaną.

    Tom sent me a present.

  • Turiu keletą dovanų.

    I have some gifts.

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