Lithuanian Sentences About Hobbies

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Looking to boost your *Lithuanian vocabulary* and master *intermediate Lithuanian*? Our curated list of 20 sentences about "Hobbies" in Lithuanian is designed just for you! Each sentence includes *text-to-speech audio* and *English translations*, making it easier to sharpen your linguistic skills. Whether you're a language enthusiast or a dedicated learner, these *Lithuanian sentences* and *phrases* will help you expand your vocabulary and enhance your understanding of everyday topics. Dive into the engaging world of Lithuanian hobbies and elevate your language learning experience with Clozemaster.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Aplankėme muziejų.

    We visited the museum.

  • Ar galiu naudoti šį siūlą mezgimui?

    Can I use this yarn for knitting?

  • Aš grodavau trombonu.

    I used to play the trombone.

  • Aš grojau akordeonu.

    I played the accordion.

  • Bobas mėgsta žaisti sporto žaidimus.

    Bob enjoys playing sports.

  • Ji groja fleita.

    She plays the flute.

  • Ji mėgsta kepti duoną.

    She likes to make bread.

  • Ji mėgsta stebėti, kaip lenktyniauja poniai.

    She loves watching the ponies race.

  • Jis mėgsta važinėti dviračių rytais.

    He loves cycling in the morning.

  • Jis yra apsėstas komiksais.

    He's a junkie for comic books.

  • Jis yra įgudęs jogas.

    He is a skilled yogi.

  • Liamas nori vaidinti pjesėje.

    Liam wants to act in the play.

  • Mano vyras ir aš mėgdavome kartu laipioti po kalnus.

    My hubby and I used to go mountain climbing together.

  • Močiutė visada mėgo megzti mums.

    Grandma always loved knitting for us.

  • Tomas paprastai skaito tik antraštes.

    Tom usually only reads the headlines.

  • Tomas sudėjo dėlionę.

    Tom completed the jigsaw puzzle.

  • Tomas yra geras gitaristas.

    Tom is a good guitarist.

  • Tomui patinka slidinėti.

    Tom loves skiing.

  • Visą mano dėmesį patraukė įtraukiantis vaizdo žaidimas.

    The thrilling video game took all my attention.

  • Žongliravimas iš tiesų yra daug lengvesnis, nei atrodo.

    Juggling is actually a lot easier than it looks.

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