Lithuanian Sentences About Psychology

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Boost your Lithuanian vocabulary with Clozemaster's carefully curated list of 20 psychology-related sentences in Lithuanian. Perfect for intermediate Lithuanian learners, these sentences come complete with English translations and text-to-speech audio to enhance your pronunciation skills. Whether you're expanding your knowledge of Lithuanian phrases or mastering Lithuanian sentences, this resource is designed to improve your language proficiency while engaging with intriguing psychology topics. Dive into the subtleties of the Lithuanian language and elevate your learning experience today with these expertly chosen sentences.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Aš įsivaizdavau kitokį rezultatą.

    I was imagining a different outcome.

  • Aš praradau savo tapatybę.

    I lost my identity.

  • Aš tikėjausi bėdos.

    I anticipated trouble.

  • Blogas dalykas nepilnavertiškumo kompleksuose yra tai, kad juos turi netinkami žmonės.

    The bad thing about inferiority complexes is that the wrong people have them.

  • Fanatikai dažnai praranda realybės jausmą.

    Fanatics often lose sight of reality.

  • Išvaizda apgauna.

    Appearances are deceiving.

  • Kaip gali pateisinti savo elgesį?

    How can you justify your behavior?

  • Mano mama yra psichologijos mokytoja.

    My mother is a psychology teacher.

  • Mano pasididžiavimas neleido man pasiskolinti pinigų iš jo.

    My pride prevented me from borrowing money from him.

  • Mano tėvas buvo paguldytas į psichiatrijos ligoninę.

    My father was committed to a psychiatric hospital.

  • Mes esame arti pabudimo, kai sapnuojame, kad sapnuojame.

    We are near awakening when we dream that we dream.

  • Mes linkę klysti.

    We tend to make mistakes.

  • Neurologiniai ryšiai yra sudėtingi suprasti.

    The neural connections are complex to understand.

  • Niekas manęs neviliotų jo apgauti.

    Nothing would tempt me to deceive him.

  • Niko elgesys parodė, kad jis neurotiškas.

    Nick's behavior showed he was neurotic.

  • Nuobodulys, rutina ir smalsumo stoka yra didžiausi mūsų smegenų priešai.

    Boredom, routine, and lack of curiosity are the greatest enemies of our brains.

  • Pasirengimas prisiimti atsakomybę yra brandos ženklas.

    Willingness to take responsibility is a sign of maturity.

  • Tik žmogus, galintis gyventi su savimi, gali mėgautis laisvalaikio dovana.

    Only a person who can live with himself can enjoy the gift of leisure.

  • Tomas yra patologinis melagis.

    Tom is a pathological liar.

  • Vienatvė ir vienišumas nėra tas pats.

    Loneliness and being alone are not the same thing.

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