Lithuanian Sentences About Languages

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Welcome to our Clozemaster page dedicated to expanding your Lithuanian vocabulary with carefully curated Lithuanian sentences and phrases. Designed for intermediate Lithuanian learners, this resource offers 20 practical sentences on "Languages" featuring text-to-speech audio and English translations. Enhance your pronunciation and comprehension skills as you immerse yourself in these authentic Lithuanian examples. Each sentence is crafted to provide contextual learning, helping you build a robust vocabulary foundation. Whether you aim to improve your daily conversations or academic proficiency, our Lithuanian sentences are your gateway to mastering intermediate Lithuanian. Explore now and accelerate your language journey!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Anglų kalba kalbama daugelyje šalių.

    English is spoken in many countries.

  • Ji kalba su airišku akcentu.

    She speaks with an Irish accent.

  • Ji paaiškino pažodinę frazės reikšmę.

    She explained the literal meaning of the phrase.

  • Jis mokosi ispanų kalbos darbui.

    He is learning Spanish for work.

  • Jis mokosi vengrų kalbą.

    He's learning the Hungarian language.

  • Jis puikiai kalba angliškai.

    He speaks English perfectly.

  • Jis toks geras kalbėtojas.

    He is such a good English speaker.

  • Jūs laisvai kalbate angliškai.

    You speak fluent English.

  • Kaip tas žodis tariamas?

    How is the word pronounced?

  • Ką reiškia šis žodis?

    What does this word mean?

  • Lotynų kalba yra klasikinė kalba.

    Latin is a classical language.

  • Man patinka kalbėti vališkai.

    I like speaking Welsh.

  • Mokytis suomių kalbos užtrunka laiko.

    Learning Finnish takes time.

  • Neseniai pradėjau mokytis ispanų kalbos.

    I recently started learning Spanish.

  • Palyginkite savo vertimą su jo.

    Compare your translation with his.

  • Prašau ištaisyti mano tarimą.

    Please correct my pronunciation.

  • Šie vertimai neatspindi originalios prasmės.

    These translations don't capture the original meaning.

  • Šis žodis turi dvi reikšmes.

    This word has two meanings.

  • Tomas moko prancūzų kalbos.

    Tom teaches French.

  • Visi gali gerai kalbėti prancūziškai Tunise.

    Everyone can speak French well in Tunisia.

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