Lithuanian Sentences About Media

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Discover an engaging way to expand your Lithuanian vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 sentences about "Media" in Lithuanian! This page features essential Lithuanian phrases, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, specifically designed to enhance your language skills. Perfect for those at an intermediate Lithuanian level, these sentences cover a range of media-related topics, helping you grasp context and pronunciation effortlessly. Dive into the world of Lithuanian sentences and elevate your linguistic competence with this practical and enjoyable resource. Explore now and take a significant step towards mastering the Lithuanian language!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ar žiūrite televizorių?

    Do you watch TV?

  • Daugelyje šalių įprasta, kad visose televizijos laidose būtų subtitrai.

    In many countries, it is normal for all television programmes to have subtitles.

  • Demokratijoje svarbu, kad žurnalistika būtų nepriklausoma.

    In a democracy, it is important for journalism to be independent.

  • Dokumentiniame filme vaizdingai buvo pavaizduoti žiaurumai.

    The documentary depicted war atrocities vividly.

  • Jie reklamavo naują produktą per televiziją.

    They advertised a new product on TV.

  • Ji praneša naujienas kiekvieną vakarą.

    She reports the news every night.

  • Kai kurie laikraščiai iškraipė naujienas.

    Some newspapers distorted the news.

  • Kai kurie žmonės mano, kad reklama yra smegenų plovimo forma.

    Some people think that advertising is a form of brainwashing.

  • Klausausi radijo keliaudamas.

    I listen to the radio while in transit.

  • Mero kalba buvo transliuojama viešai.

    The mayor's speech was broadcast in public.

  • Mes norėtume pranešti apie naujausias tendencijas Japonijoje.

    We would like to report on the latest trends in Japan.

  • Reklama buvo vizualiai įspūdinga.

    The advertisement was visually striking.

  • Stotis kasdien transliuoja naujienas.

    The station broadcasts daily news.

  • Televizija rodo smurtą, kuris paveikia, visų pirma, jaunesnius žmones.

    Television shows violence, which influences, above all, younger people.

  • Televizijoje per daug reklamų.

    There are too many commercials on TV.

  • To laikraščio leidėjai yra labai liberalūs.

    The publishers of that newspaper are very liberal.

  • Tomą persekioja paparaciai.

    Tom is being chased by paparazzi.

  • Tomas paprastai skaito tik antraštes.

    Tom usually only reads the headlines.

  • Vaikai paprastai mėgsta žiūrėti filmukus.

    Children generally love watching cartoons.

  • Žurnalistas uždavė daug klausimų.

    The reporter asked many questions.

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