Lithuanian Sentences About Money

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Welcome to Clozemaster's curated collection of 20 sentences about "Money" in Lithuanian, designed to boost your Lithuanian vocabulary and language skills. Perfect for intermediate Lithuanian learners, this resource offers practical sentences complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Whether you're looking to master Lithuanian phrases for travel, work, or casual conversation, these sentences will help you understand and use essential money-related terms. Dive into the intricacies of Lithuanian sentences and watch your language proficiency grow. Explore now and enhance your intermediate Lithuanian vocabulary with our engaging and effective learning tools.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Aš jau sumokėjau sąskaitą.

    I already paid the bill.

  • Aš sumokėjau savo sąskaitas.

    I paid my bills.

  • Aš turiu finansinių sunkumų.

    I am in financial difficulties.

  • Bankas taiko mėnesines mokesčius.

    The bank charges monthly fees.

  • Jie dalijasi sąskaitą po lygiai.

    They're splitting the bill equally.

  • Ji neviršijo savo biudžeto.

    She stayed within her budget.

  • Jis išėmė keletą monetų.

    He took out some coins.

  • Jis turėjo tik šimtą jenų su savimi.

    He had only one hundred yen with him.

  • Ji uždirba 20 dolerių už valandą.

    She earns $20 per hour.

  • Jo finansai pasikeitė į blogąją pusę.

    His finances have changed for the worse.

  • Jokiomis aplinkybėmis negalime priimti čekių.

    Under no circumstances can we accept checks.

  • Kiek kainuoja įėjimo mokestis?

    How much is the entrance fee?

  • Kiek tai kainuoja?

    How much does it cost?

  • Man reikia sumokėti sąskaitą.

    I need to pay the bill.

  • Milijonierius užsispyrė įsigyti šedevrą, nesvarbu, kiek tai kainuotų.

    The millionaire insisted on acquiring the masterpiece no matter how much it cost.

  • Ponas Brownas yra mūsų finansų patarėjas.

    Mr. Brown is our financial adviser.

  • Pragyvenimo kaina smarkiai padidėjo.

    The cost of life increased drastically.

  • Šis deimantas kainuoja daug pinigų.

    This diamond costs a fortune.

  • Šveicarijoje naudojamas frankas.

    The franc is used in Switzerland.

  • Tom davė arbatpinigius taksi vairuotojui.

    Tom tipped the cab driver.

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