Lithuanian Sentences About Colors

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Welcome to Clozemaster's dedicated page for mastering colors in Lithuanian! Perfect for those aiming to enhance their Lithuanian vocabulary, this resource offers a list of 20 carefully selected sentences. Each sentence is designed to provide practical context for color-related terms, facilitating quicker learning and retention. You'll find text-to-speech audio and English translations for every sentence, making it easier to grasp and pronounce new words. Whether you're practicing Lithuanian sentences or searching for useful Lithuanian phrases, this page is an invaluable resource for intermediate Lithuanian learners looking to enrich their language skills. Start improving your Lithuanian vocabulary today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Asilas yra pilkas.

    The donkey is gray.

  • Bananai yra geltoni.

    Bananas are yellow.

  • Ji nusipirko porą raudonų batelių.

    She bought a pair of red shoes.

  • Jis šiandien dėvėjo pilką kostiumą.

    He wore a gray suit today.

  • Jis valgo raudoną čiulpinuką.

    He's eating a red lollipop.

  • Jo kojinės yra violetinės.

    His socks are purple.

  • Jos akių rainelė buvo mėlyna.

    The iris of her eyes was blue.

  • Kojinės derėjo prie jos mėlynų marškinėlių.

    The socks matched her blue shirt.

  • Mėlynas automobilis yra antikvarinis.

    The blue car is antique.

  • Mergina plaukuose nešiojo geltonus kaspinus.

    The girl wore yellow ribbons in her hair.

  • Paprastai velnias yra raudonas.

    The devil is usually red.

  • Popierius yra baltas.

    Paper is white.

  • Ramunė yra balta.

    The daisy is white.

  • Raudoni batai nesuderinami su šia žaliaos marškiniais.

    The red shoes clash with this green shirt.

  • Rožės yra raudonos.

    The roses are red.

  • Šuo yra juodas.

    The dog is black.

  • Tomas pasirinko spalvą mūsų biurams dažyti.

    Tom chose the color to paint our offices.

  • Tomas vilkėjo raudonai ir baltai dryžuotą kaklaraištį.

    Tom wore a red and white striped tie.

  • Vakaro dangus yra raudonas.

    The sky at dusk is red.

  • Vyšnios yra raudonos.

    Cherries are red.

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