Lithuanian Sentences About Music

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Unlock the beauty of the Lithuanian language with our curated list of 20 sentences about "Music" on Clozemaster. Designed to enhance your Lithuanian vocabulary, these engaging phrases come complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Perfect for those at an intermediate Lithuanian level, our selection of Lithuanian sentences will help you grasp essential vocabulary and improve pronunciation. Whether you're passionate about music or just looking to broaden your linguistic skills, this resource is tailored to make your learning journey both enjoyable and effective. Dive in and start mastering Lithuanian phrases related to music today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Aš gailiuosi, kad neišmokau groti pianinu.

    I regret not learning piano.

  • Aš neklausiau tos dainos priedainio.

    I did not listen to the chorus of that song.

  • Aš tikrai mėgstu klasikinę muziką!

    I do like classical music!

  • Aš turiu du bilietus į koncertą.

    I've got two tickets for the concert.

  • Ji grojo melodiją arfa.

    She played a melody on the harp.

  • Ji mėgsta dainuoti dainas.

    She loves to sing songs.

  • Jis dainavo liūdną baladę.

    He sang a mournful ballad.

  • Jis grojo smuiku nuostabiai.

    He played the violin wonderfully.

  • Jis niekada neturėjo talento kurti melodijas.

    He never had the talent for composing melodies.

  • Jis spragtelėjo pirštais pagal ritmą.

    He snapped his fingers to the beat.

  • Jis yra garsus kompozitorius.

    He is a famous composer.

  • Ji turėjo aistringą susidomėjimą muzika.

    She had a passionate interest in music.

  • Muzika nuramina sielą.

    Music soothes the soul.

  • Muzika yra aukštesnė apreiškimas nei visa išmintis ir filosofija.

    Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.

  • Muzikos pomėgiai skiriasi priklausomai nuo žmogaus.

    Music preferences vary from person to person.

  • Muzikos studentams reikia kasdien praktikuotis.

    Music students need daily practice.

  • Pakaraokeiavokime šiandien vakare.

    Let's sing at the karaoke tonight.

  • Tomas grojo trimitu.

    Tom was playing the trumpet.

  • Tomas sugrojo keletą melodijų pianinu.

    Tom played a few tunes on the piano.

  • Tomas sukūrė tą kūrinį prieš keletą metų.

    Tom composed that piece several years ago.

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