Lithuanian Sentences About Math

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Expand your Lithuanian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 essential math-related sentences on Clozemaster. Perfect for intermediate Lithuanian learners, this page offers sentences with text-to-speech audio and detailed English translations to enhance your language skills. Engage with practical Lithuanian sentences and phrases that integrate seamlessly into everyday conversation, making math not just a subject, but a tool for learning the language. Whether you're preparing for exams or seeking to improve your Lithuanian conversational ability, these sentences provide a valuable resource. Start mastering math in Lithuanian today and elevate your proficiency to new heights!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Anglų kalba man yra sudėtingesnė nei matematika.

    English is tougher for me than math.

  • Aritmetika man yra smagi ir įdomi.

    Arithmetic is fun and exciting for me.

  • Atimkite du iš dešimties ir turėsite aštuonis.

    Subtract two from ten and you have eight.

  • Devyniasdešimt procentų produkto buvo parduota.

    Ninety percent of the product was sold.

  • Du kart septyni yra keturiolika.

    Two times seven is fourteen.

  • Du plius du lygu keturi.

    Two plus two equals four.

  • Du trečdaliai šios įmonės darbuotojų yra inžinieriai.

    Two-thirds of the employees of this company are engineers.

  • Ji išsprendė sudėtingą lygtį.

    She solved the complex equation.

  • Ji labai gerai išmano matematiką.

    She's really good at math.

  • Jis moka apskaičiuoti savo atlyginimą.

    He knows how to calculate his salary.

  • Jis suprato sudėtingą lygtį.

    He understood the complex equation.

  • Ji turi devynis obuolius savo krepšelyje.

    She has nine apples in her basket.

  • Keturi padauginta iš dviejų yra aštuoni.

    Four multiplied by two is eight.

  • Kiek skaitmenų turi tas skaičius?

    How many digits does that number have?

  • Ko vertas stiklainis pilnas centų?

    What is the worth of a jar full of pennies?

  • Matematika yra mano mėgstamiausia pamoka.

    Mathematics is my favorite class.

  • Muzika yra geometrijos siela.

    Music is the soul of geometry.

  • Nėra Nobelio premijos matematikai.

    There is no Nobel Prize in mathematics.

  • Raskite šios patalpos matmenį.

    Find the dimension of this subspace.

  • Šioje lygtyje kintamasis yra nežinomas.

    The variable in this equation is unknown.

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