Lithuanian Sentences About Possibility and Certainty

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Welcome to Clozemaster's comprehensive guide to mastering Lithuanian vocabulary! This page features 20 carefully curated sentences focused on expressions of "Possibility and Certainty" in Lithuanian. Designed for intermediate Lithuanian learners, each sentence is accompanied by text-to-speech audio and English translations to enhance your understanding and pronunciation skills. Dive into these Lithuanian sentences and phrases to boost your language proficiency and gain confidence in real-life conversations. Perfect for those aiming to expand their Lithuanian vocabulary, this resource is an essential tool for achieving fluency. Explore now and take your Lithuanian learning journey to the next level!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ar esate tikri dėl savo sprendimo?

    Are you sure about your decision?

  • Ar yra galimybė jo atsistatydinti?

    Is there any possibility of his resigning?

  • Aš galiu įrodyti tai.

    I can prove it.

  • Aš žinau, kaip tai yra parašyta.

    I know how it is written.

  • Didžiausia tikimybė, kad šiandien popiet lis.

    In all likelihood, it will rain this afternoon.

  • Gali eiti kur nori.

    You can go wherever you want.

  • Galimybė atrodo mažai tikėtina.

    The possibility seems unlikely.

  • Galiu ir nebaigti studijų.

    I may not graduate.

  • Jis galėjo daryti pranašystes ir jos visada išsipildydavo.

    He could make prophecies and they would always come true.

  • Jis turėjo didelį namą ir du automobilius.

    He possessed a large house and two cars.

  • Misija nuo pat pradžių buvo pasmerkta.

    The mission was doomed from the start.

  • Neįmanoma numatyti, kas gali atsitikti.

    There is no predicting what may happen.

  • Nesu tikras kada jis ateis kitą kartą.

    I am uncertain when he will come next.

  • Robotai gali atsilaikyti prieš pavojingas sąlygas.

    Robots can withstand dangerous conditions.

  • Ši užduotis nėra neįmanoma.

    That task is not impossible.

  • Tai ne būtinai taip.

    It is not necessarily so.

  • Tai sudegs.

    It will burn.

  • Tai turi būti tiesa.

    It must be true.

  • Tomas žinojo rizikas.

    Tom knew the risks.

  • Valtys gali skęsti.

    Boats can sink.

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