Lithuanian Sentences About Body

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Improve your Lithuanian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 sentences about the "Body" on Clozemaster! Perfect for intermediate Lithuanian learners, this collection includes text-to-speech audio and English translations for each sentence, helping you build a strong foundation in Lithuanian body-related terms and phrases. These carefully selected Lithuanian sentences are designed to enhance your language skills and provide practical contexts for everyday use. Dive into these engaging exercises and take your Lithuanian to the next level. Explore our page now and start mastering intermediate Lithuanian vocabulary and phrases with ease!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ašara nubėgo jos skruostu.

    A tear rolled down her cheek.

  • Ašaros riedėjo mano skruostais.

    Tears ran down my cheeks.

  • Aš dažnai čiaudau.

    I sneeze a lot.

  • Aš priaugau svorio.

    I have gained weight.

  • Aš užmerkiau akis.

    I closed my eyes.

  • Berniukas buvo labai išblyškęs ir drebėjo visose galūnėse nuo šalčio.

    The boy was very pale and trembled in every limb with cold.

  • Čia turiu pulsuojantį skausmą.

    I have a throbbing pain here.

  • Ji kvėpavo giliai.

    She breathed deeply.

  • Ji nešasi kuprinę ant nugaros.

    She is carrying a backpack on her back.

  • Jis patapšnojo man per petį.

    He tapped me on the shoulder.

  • Jis susimušė kelį į stalą.

    He bashed his knee on the table.

  • Jis yra sunkiausias iš mūsų visų.

    He is the heaviest of us all.

  • Ji trinė akis.

    She rubbed her eyes.

  • Jo kelis buvo skausmingai patinęs.

    His knee was painfully swollen.

  • Jo sveikata akivaizdžiai silpnėjo.

    His health was visibly weakening.

  • Mano galva sprogsta.

    My head is exploding.

  • Skrandis yra vienas iš vidaus organų.

    The stomach is one of the internal organs.

  • Tomas sukando dantis.

    Tom clenched his teeth.

  • Visas mūsų kraujas per dieną apytiksliai šešiasdešimt kartų prateka per mūsų inkstus.

    All of our blood goes through our kidneys about sixty times a day.

  • Žmogaus nėštumas trunka devynis mėnesius.

    Human pregnancy lasts nine months.

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