Lithuanian Sentences About Relationships

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Enhance your Lithuanian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 sentences about "Relationships" in Lithuanian, perfect for learners at an intermediate level. Each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio and English translations to improve your pronunciation and comprehension. Whether you're seeking to master new Lithuanian phrases or expand your conversational skills, these sentences provide practical examples of real-life use. Ideal for boosting your Lithuanian language proficiency, our resource helps you immerse yourself in the nuances of Lithuanian relationships vocabulary. Start exploring our collection of Lithuanian sentences today and take a step closer to fluency!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Aš jį matau retai.

    I see him rarely.

  • Aš pasakiau paslaptį Tomui.

    I told the secret to Tom.

  • Aš pasitikiu ja.

    I trust her.

  • Aš vertinu jūsų paramą.

    I appreciate your support.

  • Atsisakau būti apgaudinėjamas jos klastos.

    I refuse to be taken in by her guile.

  • Duok Tomui bučinį.

    Give Tom a kiss.

  • Ji jam patinka labiau, nei bet kas kitas.

    He fancies her more than anyone.

  • Jis ignoravo jos patarimą.

    He ignored her advice.

  • Jis turi daug pažįstamų.

    He has a lot of acquaintances.

  • Mano brolis yra gėjus.

    My brother is gay.

  • Mes turime bendrų interesų.

    We have common interests.

  • Netrukus nustosi galvoti apie ją.

    You will soon cease to think of her.

  • Niekas juo nebepasitiki.

    No one trusts him anymore.

  • Pora apkabino vienas kitą stipriai.

    The couple embraced each other tightly.

  • Tavo savanaudiškumas privers tave prarasti draugus.

    Your selfishness will lose you your friends.

  • Tomas išsiuntė Mary žinutę.

    Tom sent Mary a message.

  • Tomas slapta susisiekia su Mary.

    Tom has secretly been contacting Mary.

  • Tomas turi dvi drauges.

    Tom has two girlfriends.

  • Tomas vengė Mary.

    Tom has been avoiding Mary.

  • Tu esi mano draugas.

    You are my friend.

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