Lithuanian Sentences About Health

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Enhance your Lithuanian vocabulary with Clozemaster's specially curated list of 20 essential sentences about "Health" in Lithuanian. Perfect for intermediate learners, these Lithuanian sentences come with English translations and text-to-speech audio to ensure accurate pronunciation. Whether you're improving your skills or just expanding your Lithuanian phrases, our selection will help you gain confidence in real-world conversations. Dive into this resource to practice and master intermediate Lithuanian while discussing important health topics. Start boosting your language proficiency with Clozemaster today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Atrodė, tarsi ji tuoj apalps.

    It seemed as if she was going to faint.

  • Daug vėžiu sergančiųjų netenka plaukų dėl chemoterapijos.

    Many cancer patients lose their hair because of the chemotherapy.

  • Ištirpinkite tabletę stiklinėje vandens.

    Dissolve the tablet in a glass of water.

  • Ji čiaudėjo į alkūnę, ne į ranką.

    She sneezed into her elbow, not her hand.

  • Ji patarė jam pailsėti.

    She advised him to take a rest.

  • Jis kraujavo iš nosies.

    His nose bled.

  • Jis yra alergiškas dulkėms.

    He is allergic to dust.

  • Kraujas yra skystis, atsakingas už maistinių medžiagų cirkuliaciją.

    Blood is the fluid responsible for the circulation of nutrients.

  • Ligos pradiniai simptomai yra karščiavimas ir gerklės skausmas.

    The initial symptoms of the disease are fever and sore throat.

  • Mano tėvas buvo paguldytas į psichiatrijos ligoninę.

    My father was committed to a psychiatric hospital.

  • Naudotas vaistas pasirodė labai veiksmingas.

    The medicine used proved very effective.

  • Negaliu sustabdyti savo nepatogaus žagsulio.

    I can't stop my embarrassing hiccups.

  • Randas gyja.

    The scar is healing.

  • Rūkymas yra blogas įprotis.

    Smoking is a bad habit.

  • Šiame miestelyje ligoninių nėra, tad mums reikia vykti į artimiausią miestą.

    There are no hospitals in this town, so we have to go to the nearest city.

  • Skausmas yra intensyvus.

    The pain is intense.

  • Tomas alergiškas žemės riešutams.

    Tom is allergic to peanuts.

  • Tomas pastebėjo, kad Marija šlubavo.

    Tom noticed that Mary was limping.

  • Tomas patempė raumenį.

    Tom pulled a muscle.

  • Žiurkės neša marą.

    Rats carry the plague.

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