Lithuanian Sentences About Technology

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Boost your Lithuanian vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 sentences about "Technology" in Lithuanian! This page is perfect for learners aiming to enhance their intermediate Lithuanian skills. Each sentence is paired with accurate English translations and text-to-speech audio to aid pronunciation. Whether you're focusing on Lithuanian phrases or seeking practical Lithuanian sentences for daily tech conversations, our resource is designed to help you succeed. Get ready to advance your language proficiency with authentic context and engaging practice. Explore now to elevate your Lithuanian to the next level!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ar gali atsisiųsti šią programą?

    Can you download this program?

  • Ar jie prijungė radijo antena?

    Have they connected the radio antenna?

  • Aš esu dėkingas už technologijas.

    I am thankful for technology.

  • DI reiškia dirbtinį intelektą.

    AI means Artificial Intelligence.

  • Duomenų bazė grąžino tuščią reikšmę šiam laukui.

    The database returned a null value for that field.

  • Informacijos perdavimas buvo sutrikdytas.

    The transmission of information was disrupted.

  • Išsiųskite el. laišką.

    Send the email.

  • Įvestas slaptažodis yra neteisingas.

    The password you have entered is invalid.

  • Jeigu neturite šios programos, galite ją atsisiųsti dabar.

    If you do not have this program, you can download it now.

  • Jie sukūrė sudėtingus kompiuterius.

    They have developed sophisticated computers.

  • Jis įgaliotas prieiti prie failų.

    He is authorized to access files.

  • Jis pagamino robotą.

    He made a robot.

  • Jūsų kompiuteris kelis kartus persikraus diegimo metu.

    Your computer will restart several times during installation.

  • Mano baterija beveik išsikrovė!

    My battery is low!

  • Mano draugas kuria vartotojo sąsają naujai operacinei sistemai.

    My friend is designing a user interface for the new operating system.

  • Paspauskite raudoną mygtuką, kad pradėtumėte.

    Press the red button to start.

  • Robotai gali atsilaikyti prieš pavojingas sąlygas.

    Robots can withstand dangerous conditions.

  • Samas užblokavo triukšmą naudodamas ausines.

    Sam drowned out the noise with his headphones.

  • Šis pardavimų automatas neveikia.

    This vending machine is out of order.

  • Turėtų būti įstatymas prieš įsilaužimą į kompiuterį.

    There should be a law against computer hacking.

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