Lithuanian Sentences About University

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Boost your Lithuanian vocabulary with Clozemaster’s carefully curated list of 20 sentences about "University" in Lithuanian. Perfect for intermediate Lithuanian learners, each sentence includes text-to-speech audio and English translations to enhance your learning experience. Whether you're preparing for a study-abroad program or simply polishing your Lithuanian phrases, these practical sentences will help you master essential university-related vocabulary. Start practicing today and accelerate your journey to fluency with Clozemaster’s unique, interactive approach to learning Lithuanian sentences. Discover the key to speaking confidently in academic settings and beyond!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ar tu baigei rašyti savo baigiamąjį darbą?

    Have you finished writing your thesis?

  • Auditoriją sudarė daugiausiai studentai.

    The audience consisted mainly of students.

  • Daug studentų turi darbą ne pilnu etatu.

    A lot of students have part-time jobs.

  • Dirbu prie savo koledžo paraiškų.

    I'm working on my college applications.

  • Du Irano fizikos profesoriai buvo nužudyti.

    Two Iranian professors of physics were assassinated.

  • Įmonės įkūrėjai susipažino kolegijoje.

    The company's founders met in college.

  • Jis jau buvo praleidęs dvi valandas skaitydamas paskaitas, kai ji įėjo.

    He had already spent two hours lecturing when she came in.

  • Jis politikos mokosi universitete.

    He is studying politics at university.

  • Jis studijuoja anglų literatūrą.

    He majors in English literature.

  • Jis studijuoja psichoanalizę psichologijos bakalauro laipsniui.

    He's studying psychoanalysis for his psychology degree.

  • Ji studijuoja inžineriją universitete.

    She studies engineering at the university.

  • Man reikia redaguoti savo mokslinį darbą.

    I need to edit my research paper.

  • Paskaita buvo itin nuobodi.

    The lecture was extremely boring.

  • Profesoriai aptarė mokymo programą.

    The professors discussed the curriculum.

  • Šiame universitete dėsto gerbiami profesoriai.

    Respected professors teach at this university.

  • Tame universitete yra labai gera studijų programa.

    They have a very good curriculum at that university.

  • Tom'as atvyko į Bostoną baigęs vidurinę mokyklą.

    Tom came to Boston after graduating from high school.

  • Tomui liko trys mėnesiai iki baigimo.

    Tom has three months left until he graduates.

  • Universitetas nori jums suteikti stipendiją.

    The university wants to grant you a scholarship.

  • Universitetas turi savo įkūrėjo vardą.

    The university bears the name of its founder.

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