Persian Farsi Sentences About Business

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Enhance your Persian Farsi vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 essential business sentences. Perfectly designed for intermediate Persian Farsi learners, these sentences cover key phrases that are fundamental in the business world. Each sentence is accompanied by an English translation and text-to-speech audio to ensure accurate pronunciation and comprehension. Whether you're looking to master Persian Farsi phrases for professional use or simply aiming to deepen your language skills, our carefully selected sentences offer an effective and engaging learning experience. Explore Clozemaster's comprehensive resources today and take a confident step toward fluency in Persian Farsi.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Persian Farsi from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • آیا دوست دارید به تیم ما بپیوندید؟

    Would you like to join our team?

  • آیا محموله‌ رسید؟

    Has the shipment arrived yet?

  • اتحادیه‌های کارگری دولت را به اعتصاب عمومی تهدید کرده بودند.

    The labor unions had been threatening the government with a general strike.

  • آن‌ها زمین را برحسب جریب می‌فروشند.

    They sell land by the acre.

  • او بسته را فردا تحویل خواهد داد.

    She will deliver the package tomorrow.

  • او توسط یک فروشنده بی‌وجدان فریب خورد.

    He was cheated by an unscrupulous dealer.

  • او در شرکت یک سهامدار است.

    He is a shareholder in the company.

  • او رادیو می‌فروشد.

    He sells radios.

  • او قصد داشت شرکت را تصاحب کند.

    She was scheming to take over the company.

  • او یک نسخه از گزارش را درخواست کرد.

    She requested a copy of the report.

  • او همیشه از اشتباهات رقبایش سوء استفاده می‌کند.

    He always takes advantage of the mistakes made by his rivals.

  • پرونده‌ها گم شده‌اند.

    The files are missing.

  • تیم ما قرار است ماه آینده روی پروژه مهمی کار کند.

    Our team is working on an important project next month.

  • حقوق‌ها افزایش یافته است.

    Salaries have increased.

  • قیمت این کالا هزینه تولید آن را پوشش نمی‌دهد.

    The price of this article does not cover the cost of its manufacture.

  • لطفاً این پرسشنامه را پر کنید و برای ما بفرستید.

    Please fill out this questionnaire and send it to us.

  • ما حق انحصاری فروش آنها را داریم.

    We have the exclusive right to sell them.

  • مقدار زیان به میلیون‌ها دلار می‌رسد.

    The loss amounts to a million dollars.

  • منشی نامه را داخل پاکت گذاشت.

    The secretary inserted the letter in the envelope.

  • هیئت‌مدیره در حال بررسی یک پیشنهاد جدید برای افزایش فروش است.

    The board is considering a new proposition to increase sales.

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