Persian Farsi Sentences About Love

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Boost your Persian Farsi vocabulary with our curated collection of 20 compelling sentences about "Love," complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Designed to enhance your language skills, this page is ideal for those at an intermediate Persian Farsi level. Practice these essential Persian Farsi sentences and phrases to deepen your understanding and fluency. Whether you're learning for travel, relationships, or personal enrichment, our quality content ensures you'll advance your mastery of Persian Farsi. Explore now and transform your language learning experience with practical, real-life expressions focused on one of the most universal human emotions—love.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Persian Farsi from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • آنها عاشق‌ومعشوق دوران دبیرستان بودند.

    They were high school sweethearts.

  • او آن پسر را دوست دارد.

    She loves him.

  • او دنیای شما را روشن می‌کند.

    She sets your world alight.

  • او دوست عزیزش را واقعاً دوست داشت.

    She truly loved her dear friend.

  • او عاشق درس‌های دانشگاهی‌اش است.

    She loves her college courses.

  • او عاشق مادر شما شد.

    He was smitten with your mother.

  • او کاملاً موسیقی رگی را دوست دارد.

    He absolutely loves reggae music.

  • تام گونه او را بوسید.

    Tom kissed her on the cheek.

  • تو فکروذکر من هستی.

    You are my obsession.

  • دلم برایت تنگ شده بود عزیزم.

    My dear, I've missed you.

  • عشق من هرگز از بین نخواهد رفت.

    My love will never disappear.

  • عشق نمی‌تواند بدون غم باشد.

    Love without sorrow cannot be.

  • عشق هیچ محدودیتی نمی‌شناسد.

    Love knows no limits.

  • عشق هرگز بدون حسادت نیست.

    Love is never without jealousy.

  • عشق همه چیز را فتح می‌کند.

    Love conquers all.

  • مریم نامزد من است.

    Mary is my fiancée.

  • من دیوانه‌وار عاشق او شدم.

    I fell madly in love with him.

  • من عاشق رمان‌های عاشقانه هستم.

    I love romance novels.

  • من عاشق سفر به کشورهای جدید هستم.

    I love traveling to new countries.

  • من عاشق گشتن در سراسر کشور با قطارها هستم.

    I love riding trains across the country.

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