Portuguese Sentences About Compliments

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Master the art of expressing admiration with our curated collection of 20 Portuguese sentences focused on "Compliments". Designed for intermediate Portuguese learners, our page not only provides authentic Portuguese phrases but also comes with text-to-speech audio to perfect your pronunciation. Enhance your Portuguese vocabulary as you immerse yourself in the nuances of giving praise. Each sentence is accompanied by English translations, making it an indispensable tool for grasping the subtleties of complimentary expressions. Dive into our resourceful list and elevate your language skills with these essential Portuguese sentences for offering compliments that will charm any native speaker.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A beleza dela é incomparável.

    Her beauty is incomparable.

  • Boas maneiras são sempre apreciadas.

    Good manners are always appreciated.

  • Cookie é o mais fofo de todos os cachorros.

    Cookie is the cutest of all the dogs.

  • Ela é uma vizinha gentilíssima.

    She is a most gracious neighbor.

  • Ele é bastante fotogênico e fica ótimo em fotos.

    He is quite photogenic and looks great in photos.

  • Ele escreve de forma bela.

    He writes beautifully.

  • Ele toca violino lindamente.

    He plays the violin beautifully.

  • Essa é a melhor mousse de chocolate que meus convidados já comeram.

    This is the best chocolate mousse that my guests have ever eaten.

  • Esse filhote é tão fofo.

    That puppy is so cute.

  • Esse foi o jantar mais romântico que eu já tive.

    That was the most romantic dinner I've ever had.

  • Esse vestido fica muito bonito nela.

    That dress is very flattering on her.

  • Meu irmão mais velho é muito sábio.

    My elder brother is very wise.

  • O gato é adorável.

    The cat is adorable.

  • O professor deles os elogiou.

    Their teacher praised them.

  • Os criadores do programa são talentosos.

    The creators of the show are talented.

  • O vestido era de qualidade excelente.

    The dress was of excellent quality.

  • Sua casa é fantástica.

    Your house is fantastic.

  • Sua compreensão é muito apreciada.

    Your understanding is much appreciated.

  • Sua mais recente criação é uma obra-prima.

    His latest creation is a masterpiece.

  • Tom é um cavalheiro de boas maneiras.

    Tom is a well-mannered gentleman.

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