Portuguese Sentences About Emergencies

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Welcome to our dedicated resource for boosting your Portuguese vocabulary with practical phrases and sentences geared specifically toward emergencies. Ideal for intermediate Portuguese learners, this page offers 20 curated Portuguese sentences complete with authentic text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. Whether you're traveling in a Portuguese-speaking country or just want to sharpen your language skills, our handpicked phrases will equip you with the essential terminology for any urgent situation. Dive into the nuances of Portuguese vocabulary and master crisis-related communication with ease. Join Clozemaster now and take a significant step towards fluency in dealing with Portuguese emergencies!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A cidade passou por um grande apagão ontem.

    The city experienced a massive blackout yesterday.

  • As pessoas foram evacuadas por causa da enchente.

    The people were evacuated because of the flood.

  • Chame a polícia.

    Call the cops.

  • Ele nos deu um relato detalhado do acidente.

    He gave us a detailed account of the accident.

  • Eles o resgataram do perigo.

    They rescued him from danger.

  • Fique em alerta. A ordem de evacuação pode ocorrer a qualquer momento.

    Be on alert. The evacuation order may occur at any moment.

  • Há sobreviventes?

    Are there survivors?

  • Nós o reportamos como desaparecido.

    We reported him missing.

  • O carro dele bateu na árvore.

    His car crashed into the tree.

  • O incêndio começou na sauna.

    The fire started in the bathhouse.

  • O incêndio florestal destruiu a casa deles.

    The wildfire destroyed their home.

  • O paciente do hospital estava sangrando muito.

    The hospital patient was hemorrhaging badly.

  • Os destroços do avião foram encontrados no deserto.

    The wreckage of the plane was found in the desert.

  • Os freios se foram!

    The brakes are gone!

  • Por favor, ligue para o departamento de bombeiros.

    Please call the fire department.

  • Por milagre, nenhum deles morreu.

    Miraculously, none of them died.

  • Se preparem para o impacto.

    Brace yourselves for impact.

  • Tape o vazamento!

    Plug up that leak!

  • Tivemos um terremoto ontem à noite.

    We had an earthquake last night.

  • Tom pegou uma lanterna.

    Tom grabbed a flashlight.

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