Portuguese Sentences About Nature

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Embark on a journey to master intermediate Portuguese with Clozemaster's curated collection of Portuguese sentences about the splendor of nature. Our comprehensive page offers 20 captivating sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, to enhance your Portuguese vocabulary and phraseology. Whether you're an avid language learner or a nature enthusiast, these engaging Portuguese phrases will deepen your understanding of the natural world while refining your linguistic skills. Dive into the beauty of language and scenery as you expand your knowledge of intermediate Portuguese, and let Clozemaster be your guide to fluency amidst the wonders of nature.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A atração gravitacional da lua afeta as marés.

    The moon's gravitational pull affects tides.

  • Algum sal vem de minas, algum da água.

    Some salt comes from mines, some from water.

  • Aquele arbusto precisa de água.

    That bush needs water.

  • As ovelhas pastam a grama no campo.

    The sheep graze the grass in the field.

  • Ele tirou uma foto da paisagem bonita.

    He took a picture of the beautiful landscape.

  • Eu sinto vontade de dançar nos campos.

    I feel like dancing in the fields.

  • Eu vou ao parque.

    I go to the park.

  • Não alimente os patos.

    Do not feed the ducks.

  • O cânion era vasto e belo.

    The canyon was vast and beautiful.

  • O coelho começou a pular na grama.

    The rabbit began to hop in the grass.

  • O decaimento do santuário deve-se, em parte, à chuva ácida.

    The decay of the shrine is due, in part, to acid rain.

  • O melro assovia.

    The blackbird whistles.

  • O pôr do sol acontece em breve.

    The sunset is soon.

  • O sol e a lua provocam as marés.

    The sun and the moon cause tides.

  • O sol nasceu sobre o horizonte.

    The sun rose over the horizon.

  • Uma árvore caída bloqueou o caminho.

    A fallen tree blocked the path.

  • Um bando de lobos atacou o viajante.

    A pack of wolves attacked the traveler.

  • Um novo dia começa com o nascer do sol.

    A new day starts with sunrise.

  • Um vento forte surgiu.

    A strong wind arose.

  • Vimos o que parecia um oásis no deserto.

    We saw what looked like an oasis in the desert.

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