Russian Sentences About Clothes

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Welcome to Clozemaster's ultimate guide for enhancing your **Russian vocabulary**! This page features 20 essential sentences about "Clothes" in Russian, complete with **English translations** and **text-to-speech audio**. Perfect for learners aiming to master **intermediate Russian**, these carefully curated **Russian sentences** and phrases will enrich your understanding of attire-related terminology. Whether you're preparing for a trip or simply looking to expand your linguistic skills, our interactive approach ensures you grasp both pronunciation and context. Dive into this valuable resource and start speaking like a native with Clozemaster's expert-crafted content. **Russian phrases** about clothes have never been easier to learn!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Russian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Вы могли бы сойти за подростка, если бы надели футболку.

    You could pass for a teenager if you wore a T-shirt.

  • Вы уже оделись?

    Have you finished dressing?

  • Доктор был в белом халате поверх синего костюма.

    The doctor was in a white gown over a blue suit.

  • Носки и кроссовки новые.

    The socks and sneakers are new.

  • Одежда часто садится, если её неправильно стирать.

    Clothes often shrink when improperly washed.

  • Она любит свое розовое платье.

    She loves her pink dress.

  • Она носила сверкающие бриллианты.

    She was wearing sparkling diamonds.

  • Он затянул ремень.

    He tightened his belt.

  • Ослабь галстук.

    Loosen your tie.

  • Очень эластичная повязка на голову.

    The headband is very elastic.

  • Сегодня на нем был серый костюм.

    He wore a gray suit today.

  • Сколько у вас шляп?

    How many hats do you own?

  • Том застегнул своё пальто.

    Tom buttoned up his coat.

  • Том купил новые шнурки для своих ботинок.

    Tom bought new laces for his shoes.

  • Том примеряет обувь.

    Tom is trying on shoes.

  • Швы моих брюк рвутся.

    The seams of my pants are ripping.

  • Эта ткань действительно гладкая и шелковистая.

    This cloth is really smooth and silky.

  • Это платье подходит к её красным волосам.

    That dress matches her red hair.

  • Юбка длинная.

    The skirt is long.

  • Я использовал слишком много отбеливателя и проделал дыру в рубашке.

    I used too much bleach and made a hole in my shirt.

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