Russian Sentences About Describing People

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Looking to expand your Russian vocabulary and master the art of describing people in Russian? Our Clozemaster page offers 20 carefully curated sentences tailored for intermediate Russian learners. Each sentence is enriched with text-to-speech audio for perfect pronunciation and English translations to enhance your understanding. Whether you're aiming to converse more naturally or simply want to boost your proficiency, these Russian sentences and phrases provide a practical and engaging way to improve. Dive into these examples to elevate your language skills and gain confidence in describing people in Russian. Perfect for anyone serious about advancing their intermediate Russian!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Russian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ваши глаза обладают определённым магнетизмом.

    Your eyes have a certain magnetism.

  • Ее поведение было довольно неприятным.

    Her attitude was rather disagreeable.

  • Мы можем знать только её примерный возраст.

    We can only know her approximate age.

  • Мэри стройная и высокая.

    Mary is lean and tall.

  • На кого из твоих родителей ты похож?

    Which of your parents do you resemble?

  • Она носила сверкающие бриллианты.

    She was wearing sparkling diamonds.

  • Она очень внимательная и терпеливая.

    She is very thoughtful and patient.

  • Он действительно был очень добрым человеком.

    He was indeed a very kind person.

  • Он очень мудрый, вопреки популярному мнению.

    He is very wise, contrary to popular belief.

  • Он очень прямолинейный в своем поведении.

    He is very blunt in his manner.

  • Он очень умный для пятилетнего.

    He's very smart for a five-year-old.

  • Он почти идеальный.

    He is almost perfect.

  • Том быстрый как леопард.

    Tom is as fast as a leopard.

  • Том исключительно красив.

    Tom is exceptionally handsome.

  • Том смелее, чем я.

    Tom is braver than I am.

  • У неё красивые розовые щёки.

    She has beautiful rosy cheeks.

  • Эти три милые девушки – все мои племянницы.

    These three pretty girls are all nieces of mine.

  • Я быстрый пловец.

    I am a fast swimmer.

  • Я подозревал, что он лгун.

    I suspected he was a liar.

  • Я чувствовал себя легким как перо.

    I felt light as a feather.

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