Russian Sentences About Marriage

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Welcome to Clozemaster's comprehensive resource for enhancing your **Russian vocabulary**! On this page, you’ll find 20 curated **Russian sentences** about "Marriage", each complete with **text-to-speech audio** and English translations. Designed for **intermediate Russian** learners, these **Russian phrases** will help you grasp essential vocabulary and improve your fluency. Whether you're practicing pronunciation or expanding your lexicon, this collection is an invaluable tool for mastering Russian. Dive into these practical examples and take your language skills to the next level. Happy learning!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Russian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Брак пугает некоторых людей.

    Marriage frightens some people.

  • Джейн оставалась незамужней до сорока лет.

    Jane remained unmarried into her forties.

  • Как прошёл ваш медовый месяц?

    How was your honeymoon?

  • Моя жена хотела усыновить ребёнка.

    My wife wanted to adopt a child.

  • Мэри часто думает о своей свадьбе.

    Mary often imagines her wedding.

  • Невеста была сияющей.

    The bride was radiant.

  • Невеста выглядела красиво в белом.

    The bride looked beautiful in white.

  • Она была его любимой женой на протяжении многих лет.

    She was his beloved wife for years.

  • Она вышла замуж в подростковом возрасте.

    She got married in her teens.

  • Она замужем за ним уже десять лет.

    She has been married to him for a decade now.

  • Она моя жена-цыганка.

    She is my gypsy wife.

  • Он был счастливо женат.

    He was happily married.

  • Они были в счастливом браке много лет.

    They were in happy wedlock for years.

  • Он носит обручальное кольцо из платины.

    He wears a platinum wedding ring.

  • Ромео женится на Джульетте.

    Romeo marries Juliet.

  • Свадьбы дорогие.

    Weddings are expensive.

  • Сколько времени вы проводите со своей супругой?

    How much time do you spend with your spouse?

  • Том был женат, когда вернулся.

    Tom was wed when he returned.

  • У Тома было три неудачных брака.

    Tom had three failed marriages.

  • Я выйду замуж за тебя.

    I will marry you.

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