Russian Sentences About Emergencies

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Welcome to Clozemaster's page featuring 20 essential sentences about "Emergencies" in Russian. Perfect for expanding your Russian vocabulary, these sentences are tailored for intermediate Russian learners. Each sentence is equipped with text-to-speech audio and English translations, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience. Whether you're brushing up on emergency-related Russian phrases or aiming to boost your understanding of real-world Russian sentences, this collection offers a valuable resource. Ideal for learners focused on mastering intermediate Russian, our curated sentences will help you become more fluent and confident in urgent situations. Dive in and elevate your Russian language skills today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Russian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Авария привела к многим смертям.

    The accident has caused many deaths.

  • Будьте настороже. Приказ об эвакуации может быть отдан в любой момент.

    Be on alert. The evacuation order may occur at any moment.

  • Вчера в городе произошло массовое отключение электроэнергии.

    The city experienced a massive blackout yesterday.

  • Вчера ночью у нас было землетрясение.

    We had an earthquake last night.

  • Его машина врезалась в дерево.

    His car crashed into the tree.

  • Есть выжившие?

    Are there survivors?

  • Каким-то чудесным образом, никто из них не погиб.

    Miraculously, none of them died.

  • Лесной пожар уничтожил их дом.

    The wildfire destroyed their home.

  • Мы сообщили о его пропаже.

    We reported him missing.

  • Нам нужно сформулировать план, если мы хотим её спасти!

    We have to formulate a plan if we are to save her!

  • Обломки самолета были найдены в пустыне.

    The wreckage of the plane was found in the desert.

  • Они спасли его от опасности.

    They rescued him from danger.

  • Он предоставил нам подробный отчет об аварии.

    He gave us a detailed account of the accident.

  • Пациент в больнице сильно кровоточил.

    The hospital patient was hemorrhaging badly.

  • Пожалуйста, вызовите пожарную службу.

    Please call the fire department.

  • Позвоните в полицию.

    Call the cops.

  • Приготовьтесь к удару.

    Brace yourselves for impact.

  • Том схватил фонарик.

    Tom grabbed a flashlight.

  • Тормоза пропали!

    The brakes are gone!

  • Это устройство было спасением.

    That device was a lifesaver.

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