Russian Sentences About Body

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Boost your Russian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 essential sentences about the "Body" in Russian. Each sentence is designed to enhance your understanding and fluency, perfect for intermediate Russian learners. With text-to-speech audio and English translations, this resource offers an immersive learning experience. Practice Russian phrases that are not only useful but also contextually relevant. Whether you are looking to expand your knowledge of Russian sentences for daily conversations or aiming to master specific vocabulary, our expertly selected list is your go-to guide. Dive in now and watch your intermediate Russian skills soar!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Russian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Беременность длится девять месяцев.

    Human pregnancy lasts nine months.

  • В прошлом году у меня был выкидыш.

    I had a miscarriage last year.

  • Его здоровье заметно слабело.

    His health was visibly weakening.

  • Его колено было болезненно отекшим.

    His knee was painfully swollen.

  • Желудок является одним из внутренних органов.

    The stomach is one of the internal organs.

  • Мальчик был очень бледен и дрожал всеми конечностями от холода.

    The boy was very pale and trembled in every limb with cold.

  • Меня мучает пульсирующая боль.

    I have a throbbing pain here.

  • Она дышала глубоко.

    She breathed deeply.

  • Она несёт рюкзак на спине.

    She is carrying a backpack on her back.

  • Он потрогал меня за плечо.

    He tapped me on the shoulder.

  • Он самый тяжёлый из нас всех.

    He is the heaviest of us all.

  • Он сжал мою руку.

    He gripped my hand.

  • Он ударил колено о стол.

    He bashed his knee on the table.

  • Радужка её глаз была синей.

    The iris of her eyes was blue.

  • Слеза скатилась по её щеке.

    A tear rolled down her cheek.

  • Слёзы текли по моим щекам.

    Tears ran down my cheeks.

  • Том стиснул зубы.

    Tom clenched his teeth.

  • Я закрыл глаза.

    I closed my eyes.

  • Я много чихаю.

    I sneeze a lot.

  • Я набрал вес.

    I have gained weight.

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