Russian Sentences About Food and Drink

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Enhance your Russian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 sentences about "Food and Drink" on Clozemaster. Perfect for intermediate Russian learners, these practical and engaging sentences come with text-to-speech audio and English translations to ensure accurate pronunciation and comprehension. Whether you're expanding your Russian phrases for travel, daily conversation, or simply broadening your language skills, these sentences offer a comprehensive approach to mastering essential food and drink vocabulary. Dive into these carefully selected Russian sentences and boost your fluency today. Ideal for anyone looking to improve their intermediate Russian proficiency. Explore now and elevate your language learning journey!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Russian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Вы вегетарианец или веган?

    Are you vegetarian or vegan?

  • Вы хотите напиток?

    Would you like a drink?

  • Ее рацион будет состоять в основном из овощей.

    Her diet will consist mainly of vegetables.

  • Какие французские вина вам нравятся больше всего?

    What are some of your favorite French wines?

  • Мистер Джонс пробует суп, который приготовила его жена.

    Mr. Jones is tasting the soup his wife made.

  • Мне нравится пить напитки через соломинку.

    I enjoy drinking my beverages with a straw.

  • Мне нравятся игристые и фруктовые вина.

    I like sparkling and fruity wines.

  • Мы разделили стоимость еды.

    We shared the cost of the meal.

  • На рынке продавали свежие, сочные апельсины.

    The market sold fresh, juicy oranges.

  • Небольшую порцию ветчины, пожалуйста, и разливное пива.

    A small portion of ham, please, and a draught beer.

  • Они выпивают шампанское.

    They are toasting with champagne.

  • Тебе нравятся устрицы?

    Do you like oysters?

  • Ты можешь съесть печенье сейчас.

    You may eat a cookie now.

  • Этот виски очень крепкий.

    This whisky is very strong.

  • Этот суп превосходный.

    This soup is exquisite.

  • Это хороший источник калия?

    Is it a good source of potassium?

  • Я бы хотел стакан текилы.

    I would like a glass of tequila.

  • Я купил картонную упаковку молока в супермаркете.

    I bought a carton of milk from the supermarket.

  • Япония импортирует апельсины из Калифорнии.

    Japan imports oranges from California.

  • Я ужасно голоден.

    I am terribly hungry.

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