Russian Sentences About Nature

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Welcome to Clozemaster's collection of 20 sentences about Nature in Russian, designed to enhance your Russian vocabulary through engaging and practical learning. Perfect for intermediate Russian learners, our curated list features authentic Russian sentences, each accompanied by text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. Dive into these carefully selected Russian phrases that cover various aspects of nature, from serene landscapes to vibrant wildlife. Mastering these sentences will not only expand your vocabulary but also improve your pronunciation and comprehension. Explore these nature-themed Russian sentences now and elevate your language skills to the next level!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Russian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Бобры могут срубать деревья своими зубами.

    Beavers can cut down trees with their teeth.

  • Вы можете ходить на прогулки по холмам.

    You can go for walks on the hills.

  • Заяц начал прыгать по траве.

    The rabbit began to hop in the grass.

  • Исследователь отправился в дикую природу.

    The explorer ventured into the wilderness.

  • Мы любим ходить на пляж.

    We enjoy going to the beach.

  • Не кормите уток.

    Do not feed the ducks.

  • Некоторая соль добывается из шахт, некоторая из воды.

    Some salt comes from mines, some from water.

  • Новый день начинается с восхода солнца.

    A new day starts with sunrise.

  • Облако - это масса пара.

    A cloud is a mass of vapor.

  • Овцы едят траву на поле.

    The sheep graze the grass in the field.

  • Поваленное дерево перегородило тропу.

    A fallen tree blocked the path.

  • Пчела жужжит.

    A bee buzzes.

  • Скоро будет закат.

    The sunset is soon.

  • Солнце взошло над горизонтом.

    The sun rose over the horizon.

  • Солнце и луна вызывают приливы.

    The sun and the moon cause tides.

  • Соловей свистит.

    The blackbird whistles.

  • Стая волков напала на путешественника.

    A pack of wolves attacked the traveler.

  • Черепаха известна тем, что двигается медленно.

    The tortoise is known for moving slowly.

  • Этот куст нуждается в воде.

    That bush needs water.

  • Я иду в парк.

    I go to the park.

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