Russian Sentences About Games

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Unlock a new level of your language-learning journey with our curated list of 20 sentences about "Games" in Russian! Perfect for intermediate Russian learners, this page features carefully selected Russian sentences complete with English translations and text-to-speech audio. Delve into fun and practical phrases that will enhance your Russian vocabulary and fluency. Whether you're passionate about improving your Russian phrases or expanding your Russian sentences repertoire, our engaging examples are designed to make your learning experience enjoyable and effective. Explore now and elevate your Russian skills with Clozemaster!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Russian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Азартные игроки любят рисковать.

    Gamblers enjoy taking risks.

  • Бросьте кость.

    Throw the dice.

  • Возьмите карту.

    Take a card.

  • Вы когда-нибудь играли в домино?

    Have you ever played dominoes?

  • Давай сыграем в сквош.

    Let's play a game of squash.

  • Дамы и господа, начните игру.

    Ladies and gentlemen, start the game.

  • Игра в го - это мое единственное развлечение.

    Playing go is my only recreation.

  • Какие команды играли?

    What teams were playing?

  • Какой был счет в перерыве?

    What was the score at halftime?

  • Ладья - это фигура шахмат.

    A rook is a chess piece.

  • Мы играли вчера вечером в карты.

    We played cards last night.

  • Мы сыграли партию в шахматы.

    We played a game of chess.

  • Он был победителем гонки.

    He was the winner of the race.

  • Он выиграл в игре в шашки.

    He won at the game of checker.

  • Он может победить в шахматах кого угодно.

    He can beat anyone at chess.

  • Том обыграл Мэри в шашки.

    Tom beat Mary at checkers.

  • Том собрал головоломку.

    Tom completed the jigsaw puzzle.

  • У нас была игра в снежки.

    We had a snowball fight.

  • Я выиграл в лотерее.

    I won the lottery.

  • Я люблю играть в пасьянс.

    I love playing solitaire.

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