Russian Sentences About Religion

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Enhance your Russian vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 sentences about "Religion" in Russian. Ideal for intermediate learners, each sentence is equipped with text-to-speech audio and English translations to aid your understanding and pronunciation. These Russian sentences and phrases are perfect for those looking to deepen their religious vocabulary knowledge and improve their language skills. Dive into meaningful context and practice with these structured exercises, making your language learning journey both effective and engaging. Start expanding your intermediate Russian vocabulary today with Clozemaster's specialized content on religious themes!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Russian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Боже, услышь мою молитву.

    God, hear my prayer.

  • Буддизм возник в Индии.

    Buddhism had its beginnings in India.

  • В той стране люди поклонялись деньгам как богу.

    In that country, people worshipped money like a god.

  • Вы должны поклясться на Библии.

    You should swear on the Bible.

  • Вы знаете, какому божеству посвящен данный храм?

    Do you know which deity this temple is dedicated to?

  • Её медитация привела к просветлению.

    Her meditation led to enlightenment.

  • Если бы Бог дал одиннадцатую заповедь, интересно, какой она бы была.

    If God had given an eleventh commandment, I wonder what it would have been.

  • Многие считали его спасителем.

    He was considered a savior by many.

  • Один из учеников Иисуса - Павел.

    One of Jesus' disciples was named Paul.

  • Она искала искупление за свои ошибки.

    She sought atonement for her mistakes.

  • Она тихо совершила своё покаяние.

    She did her penance quietly.

  • Они едят рыбу по пятницам.

    They eat fish on Fridays.

  • Они поклоняются всемогущему доллару.

    They worship the almighty dollar.

  • Пожалуйста, помолитесь за тех, кто был на борту.

    Please say a prayer for those who were onboard.

  • Священник собрал прихожан в церкви.

    The priest assembled the parishioners in the church.

  • Скажи свои молитвы.

    Say your prayers.

  • Страх перед некоторыми божественными и высшими силами удерживает людей в повиновении.

    The fear of some divine and supreme powers keeps men in obedience.

  • Том поехал в Корею как христианский миссионер.

    Tom went to Korea as a Christian missionary.

  • Это библейский текст.

    This is a biblical text.

  • Я освобождаю вас от ваших грехов.

    I absolve you from your sins.

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