Russian Sentences About Sports

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Enhance your Russian vocabulary with Clozemaster's collection of 20 sentences about "Sports" in Russian! Perfect for intermediate Russian learners, these carefully curated sentences come with text-to-speech audio and English translations to aid comprehension. Whether you're looking to learn new Russian phrases or improve your understanding of common Russian sentences, this list is designed to boost your language skills. Dive into the world of sports and practice your Russian in a fun, engaging way. Start mastering intermediate Russian vocabulary today with these practical sentences about sports activities and terminology.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Russian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Боб любит заниматься спортом.

    Bob enjoys playing sports.

  • Вы двое - ядро команды.

    You two are the nucleus of the team.

  • Давай сыграем в сквош.

    Let's play a game of squash.

  • Его прогноз на игру оказался неверным.

    His prediction for the game was wrong.

  • Наша команда все еще непобедима.

    Our team is still undefeated.

  • Она выигрывает гонку.

    She is winning the race.

  • Она едва могла ходить после бега.

    She could barely walk after running.

  • Она занимается гимнастикой каждый вечер.

    She practices gymnastics every afternoon.

  • Они нервничают, когда смотрят баскетбол.

    They get nervous while watching basketball.

  • Он очень агрессивен во время занятий спортом.

    He is very aggressive when playing sports.

  • Он часто участвует в спортивных соревнованиях.

    He often participates in sports competitions.

  • После сильного удара во время игры игрок был без сознания.

    After a hard hit in the game, the player was unconscious.

  • Рон любит серфинг.

    Ron likes surfing.

  • Тебе нравится боулинг?

    Do you like bowling?

  • Том выиграл чемпионат.

    Tom won the championship.

  • Том любит лакросс.

    Tom likes lacrosse.

  • Ты любишь гольф?

    Are you fond of golf?

  • Футбольная команда моего сына победила в игре.

    My son's football team won the game.

  • Я победил его в гольфе.

    I beat him at golf.

  • Я повредил икру, играя в баскетбол.

    I injured my calf playing basketball.

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